SQL Diagnostic Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

10.1.4 New features

No new features

10.1.4 Fixed issues


  • To provide a clearer understanding of what the “Distribution Latency (Seconds)” metric is measuring, the description of the metric and summary of raised alerts has been updated.
  • SQLDM is now displaying Informational Alerts for SQL Server Agent Long Running Jobs.
  • SQLDM is displaying alerts in Dashboard and the desktop console regardless the ‘Region and Language’ settings.
  • "Days since last backup" alert is being triggered considering the threshold values configured in the alert configuration template.
  • When the log file is filled up in a database, the Log Full (Percent) alert is being triggered normally and the LogSizeInKilobytes and PercentLogSpace columns are not showing NULL value when the log percent retrieved is greater than 100%.
  • The exception filter wildcard is working normally and is no longer causing undesired alerts.
  • The Filegroup Space Full (Percent) alerts for filegroups that are on the same disk are showing the correct values for the space full percentage.
  • The number of days since last backup are now correctly displayed for daily backups databases. SQLDM is now generating the “Days since last backup” alert for databases that include a space at the end of the database name.
  • SQLDM is no longer receiving continuous OK status alerts for the Log Full (Percent) and Database Full (Percent) metrics.

Alert response

  • Alert Response triggers normally when a server is added to a tag.

Availability Groups

  • The "Days since last backup" metric is now checking the backup preferences of databases participating in an Availability Groups prior to raising alerts. 
  • SQL Server Agent jobs created for SQLDM are no longer encountering errors on secondary nodes when the SQLDM repository is hosted in an availability group.
  • When a member of a database is on a read-only role, SQLDM is no longer displaying critical alerts on the Availability Groups databases.

Custom Counter

  • The Custom Counter SQL Script text window is resizing to the popup window size.


  • The Dashboard and SQLDM are reflecting the same per-database data size usage.
  • The error "Something unexpected happened Java.Null.Pointer exception" is caused by a compatibility issue between products in the IDERA Dashboard is no longer displaying.
  • In the IDERA Dashboard overview, the SQLDM Instances status widget is no longer having issues displaying the number of servers or the status of the servers. A compatibility issue among IDERA products within IDERA Dashboard caused this issue.

Data collection

  • SQLDM is no longer having issues collecting log errors with a Severity higher than 21.


  • All graphs are displayed correctly and with all the information complete.


  • The upper limits on High Availability Log Send Queue size alert triggering have been extended to 999 million logs.
  • Users can now review the SQL Server Error logs. The error "Error reading SQL 2005 SQL Server log: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid" is no longer showing up.


  • The SQLDM console is now refreshing the list of the resulting queries in the Statement Mode View. Improvements to the Statement Mode view in the SQLDM console to allow a list of queries.
  • The date ranges are now consistent when switching among Signature mode, Statement mode, and Query History screen. Query history now displays details about the query selected.
  • Improvements to the query used to populate the data on the Alerts view in the SQLDM Desktop Console.
  • ‘Top Queries’ and ‘Query Overview’ generate successful reports without timeout or expired messages.

Replication Monitoring

  • When using replication, SQLDM is displaying the correct publisher status.


  • SQLDM is triggering accurate results when running "Top Queries" reports.
  • SQLDM reports that are deployed to SSRS are now generating charts correctly.
  • Index improvements to improve the duration it takes to run the Database Statistics report.


  • There are no longer issues in the Repository connection application when using Management Service Utility to reconfigure repository connection for a management service.
  • An error is no longer being generated on the Overview tab when the SQLDM repository database is hosted on a SQL Server 2005 instance. The error that was previously generated was “An error occurred while refreshing.Exception type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException. Message: Type Time is not a defined system type.”


  • Users are no longer encountering issues when viewing locks under the Sessions tab. The view is updated automatically.
  • The Lock section under Sessions is no longer showing "Sysadmin privileges are required to obtain data for this view" message.

SQL Server Agent

  • The SQL Server Agent Long Running Job (Percent) value is now properly calculated in the alerts screen.

Web console

  • Date/Time values stored in the SQLDM repository database are stored in GMT format. The SQLDM web console now converts the GMT format to the local time zone.
  • The SQLDM web console is no longer displaying deleted databases.
  • The Sessions view in the SQLDM web console is displayed with no errors.
  • Instances in Maintenance Mode are no longer displaying health status or alerts in the web console.

Other issues

  • SQLDM is no longer having timeouts when viewing large Databases under table and indexes.
  • SQLDM displays tables normally without delays.
  • The “Days since last backup” metric is only available for Online databases.
  • The index DatabaseStatistics has been added to the UTCCollectionTime nonclustered index for a better performance.
  • The IDERA Products option in Help Menu on the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Console is linked to the navigation page and is no longer prompting error.
  • SQLDM is no longer having issues when using a non-standard Short Date format.
  • The Monitored SQL Server Properties dialog box in SQLDM Desktop console is opening without any timeouts.

SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >