Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 25 users.

The SQL Server Data Used (Percent) alert indicates that you have a high percentage of allocated database space in use.

This alert is raised based on the database metrics collection interval specified in Server Properties. For more information, see Set general server options.

Reduce your SQL Server database space used

  • You may need to increase the amount of space allocated to databases, add disks to the computer hosting the instance, or move databases to another host computer.
  • If you have autogrowth turned off, this alert indicates that you need to either allocate more space for databases or add more disk space.
  • If you have autogrowth turned on and this alert is triggered often, you may need to adjust your autogrowth settings to a higher percentage to improve performance. Constant growth adjustments can degrade performance.
  • For SQL Server 2000 users, SQLdm may incorrectly report the file size. This issue occurs when certain columns in the sysindexes table become inaccurate and provide SQL Diagnostic Manager with incorrect information regarding the number of rows and table size. To correct this problem, use the following T-SQL syntax:

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE ('database_name' ) GO

   We recommend that you execute this command during non-peak hours as it is server intensive.

To enable alerting when this metric is outside its established baseline, click the Baseline Thresholds Enabled (as percentage of baseline) check box in the Alert Configuration window.

SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >