The Alert Actions and Responses window allows you add, modify, import/export, and configure alert responses. You can:

When you first add your SQL Server instance to SQL Diagnostic Manager, you should begin setting up your alert thresholds, and then set up your alert action rules and providers to specify who receives related notifications.

Access the Alert Actions and Responses window

You can open the Alert Actions and Responses window from the SQL Diagnostic Manager Console menu by selecting Tools > Alert Actions and Responses. 

Available Alert Responses tab actions

You can enable or disable an action provider by checking/clearing the box in the Enabled column.

SQL Diagnostic Manager provides two rules enabled by default. You can disable, edit, copy, or remove them.


Click Add to create a new alert response.


Click Edit to make modifications to an existing alert response.


Click Copy to make a duplicate of an existing alert response. The copy function can save time when you want to change just one setting on a particular rule.


Click Remove to delete the selected alert response.


Click Export to export an alert response XML file.


Click Import to import an alert response XML file.

Available Action Providers tab actions

You can enable or disable an action provider by checking/clearing the box in the Enabled column.


Click Add to open the Alert Communications Wizard and create a new SMTP or SNMP action provider.


Click Edit to edit an SMTP or SNMP action provider.


Click Remove to delete an SMTP or SNMP action provider.

SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >