The Index Optimization and Query Optimization categories return light recommendations if you run a regular analysis and they return heavy recommendations if you run a workload analysis.
Lightweight recommendations
Index Optimization
ID | Recommendation |
SDR-I1 | AutoStatsRecommendation |
SDR-I10 | IndexUnderutilizedRecommendation |
SDR-I16 | IndexUnusedRecommendation |
SDR-I17 | IndexPageLatchContentionRecommendation |
SDR-I2 | FragmentedIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I21 | OverlappingIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I22 | NonClusteredMatchingClusteredIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I23 | NonIncrementalColumnStatOnPartitionedTable |
SDR-I24 | HighModificationsSinceLastStatUpdate |
SDR-I25 | HashIndexFewBuckets |
SDR-I26 | HashIndexLargeDuplicateKey |
SDR-I27 | ScannedHashIndex |
SDR-I28 | HashIndexTooManyBuckets |
SDR-I29 | RarelyUsedIndexOnInMemoryTable |
SDR-I3 | OutOfDateStatsRecommendation |
SDR-I30 | ColumnStoreIndexMissingOnLargeTables |
SDR-I31 | FilteredColumnNotInKeyOfFilteredIndex |
SDR-I5 | DisabledIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I6 | DuplicateIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I7 | HypotheticalIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I8 | PartialDuplicateIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I9 | IndexLockContentionRecommendation |
Query Optimization
ID | Recommendation |
SDR-Q3 | SQLModuleOptionRecommendation |
SDR-Q37 | Flag4199LowCompatible |
SDR-Q38 | Flag4199AllDbCompatible |
SDR-Q39 | QueryStoreDisabled |
SDR-Q40 | QueryStoreOutOfSpace |
SDR-Q41 | QueryStoreAlmostFull |
SDR-Q42 | PlanGuidesUsedOverQueryStore |
SDR-Q43 | FrequentlyExecutedProcedureWithHighCPUTime |
SDR-Q44 | NewCardinalityEstimatorNotBeingUsed |
SDR-Q46 | Top10QueriesWithLongestAverageExecutionTime |
SDR-Q47 | Top10QueriesConsumingMostIO |
SDR-Q48 | QueriesWithDoubleIncreaseInExecutionTime |
SDR-Q49 | Top10QueriesHavingLongerDurationInLastHour |
SDR-Q50 | QueriesWithFourDifferentPlanInTwoDays |
Heavy weight recommendations
Index Optimization
ID | Recommendation |
SDR-I4 | MissingIndexRecommendation |
SDR-I19 | NoColumnStatsRecommendation |
Query Optimization
ID | Recommendation |
SDR-Q11 | TSqlRecommendationWithTable(UnfilteredDelete) |
SDR-Q13 | TSqlHintRecommendation(HintAbuse) |
SDR-Q16 | TSqlRecommendation(LeftExpressionInWhereClause) |
SDR-Q17 | TSqlRecommendation(LikeUseNotNeeded) |
SDR-Q18 | TSqlNestedMinMaxRecommendation(NestedMinMax) |
SDR-Q19 | NoJoinPredicateRecommendation |
SDR-Q2 | TSqlCursorRecommendation(FastForwardCursor) |
SDR-Q20 | TSqlRecommendationWithColumn(NotInUsedOnNullableColumn) |
SDR-Q22 | TSqlRecommendation(SelectStarAbuse) |
SDR-Q24 | TSqlRecommendation(FunctionInWhereClause) |
SDR-Q26 | TSqlRecommendation(UnionSetAbuse) |
SDR-Q28 | TSqlRecommendation(TopVsRowCount) |
SDR-Q29 | TSqlRecommendation(AnsiTopEquivalent) |
SDR-Q34 | TSqlRecommendation(NakedInsert) |
SDR-Q35 | UserDefinedFunctionInPredicateRecommendation |
SDR-Q35 | IntrinsicFunctionInPredicateRecommendation |
SDR-Q35 | ImplicitConversionInPredicateRecommendation |
SDR-Q6 | CachedPlanMisuseRecommendation |
SDR-Q8 | TSqlRecommendation(TwoExpressionCoalesce) |