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Get alerts for what you want and when you want

SQL DM for MySQL can send you alerts over mail, SNMP, Slack,PagerDuty, and Syslog. Stay on top of significant events and avoid many sleepless nights!

Some features of the alerting system are:

  • It uses the concept of "Delayed alert notifications". It can now be defined that a problem must have existed for a number of sample intervals continuously (in a row) for an alert to be sent. A global setting for each server is available from GUI. For individual counters the global setting can be overridden by defining the RetryOverride (like 'RetryOverride:3') property of the (JavaScript) counter definition.
  • Also, you can choose to be notified when SQL DM for MySQL detects that a problem, which existed previously, has been resolved.
Alerts for every registered server are sent independently.

Configuring alerts.

Please refer to Notification & Maintenance Settings for more information regarding Notification Settings.

What alerts contain and when is it sent?

In the Alert Condition field there is a condition defined to decide when the monitor will be in critical or warning state. SQL DM for MySQL will evaluate AlertCondition and if AlertCondition is "Critical" or "Warning" then only it will trigger an Alert. Further, if WarmUpRequired is defined and it is "Yes", then SQL DM for MySQL evaluates the AlertCondition if the server is up for at least three hours (the default warmup time). "Critical" and "Warning" correspond to red or yellow dots in the GUI interface respectively.

The mails are optimized for display in a HTML enabled mail client but also readable in a client supporting text mails only.

The alert contains the following information:

  • The MySQL Host.
  • There is a detailed rule defining if and when a alert is being sent like All Time/Current, Delta - Last two collections.
  • Name of the alerting Monitor.
  • The corresponding Monitor Group.
  • Type of Alert: Critical, Warning, etc.
  • The defined Threshold Limit.
  • Value of the Monitor when the alert was generated.
  • The Advice text.

This is an example of a typical SQL DM for MySQL mail alert.

Server: LMT

Sampling timeframe: All Time/Current
GroupGeneral Info

If MONyog service is not able to connect to MySQL, it simply means that connection is not possible for one of the following (or similar) reasons:

  • There is no MySQL server running at the specified host.
  • Connection to the MySQL server is not all.

SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL agentless and cost-effective performance monitoring for MySQL and MariaDB.
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