SSH tunneling for MySQL

Property name



Host machine on which SSH server is running.


Username to access the SSH server.


Port on which SSH server is listening.
Range: 1 .. 65535
Defaluts: "22"


SSH authentication type.
Permitted values: key,password
Default: password


SSH user's password for password based authentication.


SSH user's private 'key' for key based authentication.
Note The key must be url encoded. For example line endings \r\n must be encoded to %0A and " " (white space) to +.


Passphrase for private key file (if any) for key based authentication.

SSL encryption for MySQL

Property name



The digital certificate issued by CA.
Note The key must be url encoded. For example line endings 'rn' must be encoded to '%0A' and " " (white space) to "+".


Encryption algorithm like DES, AES etc.
Note The key must be url encoded. For example line endings 'rn' must be encoded to '%0A' and " " (white space) to "+".


SSL client authentication type.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Private key of the client that is needed for encryption.


The client certificate.

SSH settings

To enable and use SSH for reading logs via SFTP and/or OS monitoring, the following query parameters are required:

Property name



Enable or disable SSH settings for OS monitoring/reading MySQL logs via SFTP.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false;1/0
Default: no


OS monitoring is available for Linux systems only. Setting to "Linux", SQL DM for MySQL can monitor system related metrics like CPU consumption, Memory Usage, etc.
Permitted values: linux,rds


Uses the same SSH details provided for SSH tunneling. Setting to "yes" will use the details provided for SSH tunneling to MySQL for this registration.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Host machine on which SSH server is running.


Username to access the SSH server.


Port on which SSH server is listening.
Range: 1 ..65535
Default: "22"


SSH authentication type to be used.


SSH user's password for password based authentication.


SSH user's private 'key' for key based authentication.
Note The key must be url encoded. For example line endings 'rn' must be encoded to '%0A' and " " (white space) to "+".


Passphrase for your private key file (if any) for 'key' based authentication.

Notification settings

Property name



Setting to "yes" will send alerts/notifications via email.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Setting to "yes" will trigger SNMP traps on event of alerts.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


SQL DM for MySQL will send alerts to the email addresses specified under _mailaddress. Accepts comma (,) separated list of email addresses.


SQL DM for MySQL will send critical alerts to the email addresses specified under _mailaddresscritical.


SQL DM for MySQL will send warning alerts to the email addresses specified under _mailaddresswarning


SQL DM for MySQL will send other alerts such as MySQL server restart and MySQL configuration changes to the email addresses specified under _mailaddressother.


Seting to yes will route the alert notifications to syslog.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0


Setting to "yes" will route alerts/notifications to the Slack room.
Permitted values: yes/no


Specify the Slack Rule to be used.


Setting to "yes" will route alerts/notifications to the PagerDuty.
Permitted values: yes/no


Specify the PagerDuty rule to be used.


Number of times to wait before sending the alerts.
Default: "1"


SQL DM for MySQL will send an alert whenever there is a change in MySQL configuration.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "yes"


SQL DM for MySQL will send an alert whenever the server restarts.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Enable or disable detailed email notification.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Notify stable alerts when monitor goes into alert-able state and then becomes stable.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Keeps notifying the user until the counter becomes stable.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Defines the number of data collections after which the user receives the notification until the counter becomes stable.
Default: "5"

Data collection settings

Property name



Enable data collection for server. SQL DM for MySQL will not collect data for this registration if data collection is disabled.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "yes"


The interval for the data collections in seconds.
Default: "300" seconds (5 minutes)


Data purging interval for the server. Timeframe should be specified in seconds.
Default: "604800" (7 days)

Replication settings

Property name



Consider a server as slave server.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Register all slave servers.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"

Galera Settings

Property name



Auto-register all galera nodes.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"

Error log monitoring

Property name



To enable error log monitoring.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Mode to read the error log file.
Permitted values: sftp, local, rds
Default: "local"


MySQL error log path.
Default: "/var/log/mysql/server-err.log"


A unique name to identify your RDS/Aurora instance.


The region in which your instance is hosted, e.g: us-east-1.


A 20 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Mangement Console.


A 40 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Management Console.

Slow query log and General query log settings

Property name



Mode to read the General and Slow query log files.
Permitted values: sftp, local, rds
Default: "local"


Read logs stored either from FILE or TABLE.
Permitted values: file, table
Default: "file"


To enable slow query log monitoring.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Path for slow log.
Default: /var/log/mysql/server-slow.log


To enable general query log monitoring.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Path for general log.
Default: /var/log/mysql/server-general.log


A unique name to identify your RDS/Aurora instance.


The region in which your instance is hosted, e.g: us-east-1.


A 20 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Management Console.


A 40 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Management Console.

Audit log settings

Property name



Mode to read Audit log.
Permitted values: sftp, local, rds
Default: "local"


To enable audit log monitoring.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Path for audit log.
Default: /var/lib/mysql/server_audit.log


A unique name to identify your RDS/Aurora instance.


The region in which your instance is hosted, e.g: us-east-1.


A 20 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Management Console.


A 40 character long key ID, is generated from AWS Management Console.

Sniffer settings

Property name



Enable or disable sniffer analysis.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


Specifying a way to populate sniffer data for analysis.
Permitted values: processlist, performanceschema, proxy
Default: "processlist"


Monitor only long running queries, executing beyond the specified time.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


The time which qualifies a query as long running query (in seconds).
Default: "10"


A filter to ignore queries by a user.


The action to be performed for long running queries.
Permitted values: notify, kill, notifyandkill
Default: notify


Monitors for queries in the locked state.
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"


MySQL proxy host.


MySQL proxy port.


This interval specifies how frequently SQL DM for MySQL should "sniff" MySQL server (in seconds).
Default: "1"


Specifying a timeframe to purge the data collected (in seconds).
Default: "259200" (3 days)


A filter to sniff queries only by specified users.


A filter to sniff queries only by specified hosts.


To sniff queries starting with the string.


Setting to "yes" will enable SQL DM for MySQL to send mail alerts for long running queries.
Permitted values: yes/no


SQL DM for MySQL will send long running query alert to the email addresses specified under _snifferlongquerymailto


Setting to "yes" will enable SQL DM for MySQL to send SNMP traps for the long running queries.
Permitted values: yes/no


Setting to "yes" will enable SQL DM for MySQL to write the alerts for the long running queries to the syslog of the host machine of SQL DM for MySQL.
Permitted values: yes/no


Setting to "yes" will enable SQL DM for MySQL to route the alerts to the Slack room for the long running queries.
Permitted values: yes/no


Specify the Slack rule to be used for sending the Long running query alerts.


Setting to "yes" will enable SQL DM for MySQL to route the alerts to PagerDuty for the long running queries.
Permitted values: yes/no


Specify the PagerDuty rule to be used for sending the Long running query alerts.

Deadlock monitoring settings

Property name



Enable or disable InnoDB deadlock monitoring. Turning this ON will help in tracing deadlocks reported by "SHOW INNODB STATUS".
Permitted values: yes/no; true,false; 1/0
Default: "no"

Manage Monitors settings

Property name



This specifies the monitor groups that are to be disabled for the server. Comma-separated Group IDs may be supplied. To know the Group IDs of the various monitor groups, you may hover over the Monitor Groups in Customize -> Manage Monitor Groups. For example, if you want to disable, Binary Log (Group ID: 17), Replication (Group ID : 19) and MySQL Cluster(Group ID: 27), the parameters will be 17,19,27
Default: 7,14,22

Real-Time Mode Setting

Property name



For setting up Real-Time monitoring mode.
Permitted values: processlist/performanceschema
Default: "processlist"

Connection Settings

Property name



Specify MySQL connection timeout.
Default: "30" seconds


Specify SSH tunnel connection timeout.
Default: "30" seconds


Specify SSH connection timeout.
Default: "30" seconds

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