The Restore Type section of the Restore wizard allows you to choose whether you want to perform the Normal SQL Safe Restore or the SQL Safe InstantRestore when restoring your database.
Take into account when InstantRestore can or cannot be used:
- InstantRestore is not available for all restores as not all properties are supported; for example, you cannot restore a SQL Safe backup from a TSM Server.
- InstantRestore supports only complete database restores and does not support file or filegroup restores.
- InstantRestore can only work when you choose a Fully Accessible recovery state.
- InstantRestore does not support native format files.
What is the benefit of using InstantRestore?
In most cases, InstantRestore allows you to use the database almost immediately after starting the restore. If you have large databases that you need to access very quickly, this may be the best option for you, but take into account that there may be some performance issues if your users are making changes to the database while the restore is in progress.
InstantRestore will bring the database online quickly allowing you to access your data while SQL Safe continues to restore the database in the background.
What options do you have available in this section?
You can choose between the Normal SQL Safe Restore and SQL Safe InstantRestore. If you choose the first one, SQL Safe will restore the database using the traditional restore engine and the database will become available when the restore completes. If you choose the InstantRestore option, consider that SQL Safe cannot restore databases using InstantRestore. One of the selected backups does not have a backup set map required by the InstantRestore to access the backup quickly. For more information, see how InstantRestore works.
Click on Apply to All if you want to apply the same settings set for one database to all databases in the list.
Keep in mind, that the SQL Safe InstantRestore option is disabled for restore operations where at least one backup file in the SQL Server file format is selected.
Once you select the restore type, click NEXT to configure notifications.