The IDERA SQL Secure Security Summary view allows you to check the status of your security policies at the enterprise and SQL Server instance levels. This view includes the overall policy status, a security report card that lists security risks, the settings of each of your SQL Server instances, and the associated user accounts.
Information available at the enterprise level
To view the Security Summary view at the enterprise-level, make sure you click All Servers in the Policy tree. This view includes the following enterprise-level information:
Summary tab
Policy Status
Displays the number of security risks associated with the selected policy and a break down of the risk levels.
Enterprise Security Report Card
Displays the risks found on all SQL Server instances assigned to the selected policy.
Server Summary
Displays the summary of SQL Servers included in the selected policy with statistics of the number of High, Medium, and Low Risks.
Settings tab
Allows you to view and compare general and security-related settings across your SQL Server instances.
Users tab
Lists the user accounts and account settings for the SQL Server instances assigned to the selected policy.
Information available the server level
To view the Security Summary view at a server-level, make sure you click the respective SQL Server in the left tree. This view includes the following server-level information:
Summary tab
Server Status
Displays the number of security risks found by your policy on the selected SQL Server instance.
Server Security Report Card
Displays all risks discovered on a specific SQL Server instance assigned to the selected policy.
SQL Server Info
Displays the main information of the selected SQL Server such as name, when last data was collected, version, edition, and Windows OS.
Settings tab
Lists the general and security-related settings for your SQL Server instance.
Users tab
Lists the user accounts and account settings for the associated SQL Server instance.