When you define settings for your trigger, you can also  specify the following advanced options:

  • Delay task forup to - specify an amount of time the task will wait before running after the task is triggered. The task will run at a random time between the time the task is triggered and the time you specified.  
  • Repeat task every - specify a frequency interval and duration for your task. For example, you can specify to run a task every 30 minutes for a duration of 12 hours. Select the option Stop all running tasks at end of repetition duration to stop your task at the end of the selected frequency interval and duration.  
  • Stop task if it runs longer than -  use this option to stop tasks that run longer than the amount of time you specify. 
  • Activate - set a date and time for the trigger to activate.   You can select the option Synchronize across time zones to make the time relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and coordinate tasks in multiple time zones. 
  • Expire - set a date and time for the trigger to expire. When the trigger expires, the task cannot run any longer. You can select the option Synchronize across time zones to make the time relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and coordinate tasks in multiple time zones. 
  • Enabled - define if you want to enable or disable your task. You can create a task and not enable it until a later time. 

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