When you open the Add Task wizard, the first section requires you to fill in general information about your task.

You can find the following fields:

  • Server Name - select from the drop-down list the SQL Server instance where you want to create your task. 
  • Name - specify the name for your Task. Take into account that two tasks cannot have the same name. 
  • Author - the account used to create the task.
  • Description - type a description that allows you to identify your task, its objectives, and procedures. 
  • Security Options - by default, the Author is used as the default account to run the task. You can select one of the following options: 
    • When running the task, use the following user account - you can select in this field the user account to be used when running the task
    • Run only when user is logged on - use this option to specify the task will run only when the user who created the task is logged on when the task is triggered. 
    • Run whether user is logged on or not - use this option if you want to run the task even when the account that created the task is not logged on when the task is triggered. Keep in mind that even if you select Do not store password. The task will have access to local resources, Windows will prompt you to type the specified credentials when the task is triggered and the user is not logged on. 
    • Run with highest privileges - if you select this box, the Task Scheduler will run the task using an elevated privileges token. 
    • Hidden - use this option if you want your task to remain hidden in your Windows Task Scheduler.
    • Configure for - use this option to select the OS for which you want to configure your task

Click Next to go to the next section and define triggers for your task. 

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