General Requirements

The following are the requirements for hosting SQL Enterprise Job Manager collection Services or repositories:  

Hardware typeRequirement


2 GHz


3 GB

Hard Drive Space

128 MB

Monitor Resolution

1280 by 1024 pixels

Take into account that installing both the services and repositories in one machine may increase the needed requirements.

Minimal requirements in large environments

If you are planning to monitor over 50 instances with 1000 jobs by instance or more, the requirements for hosting SQL Enterprise Job Manager Collection Services or repositories are:

Hardware typeRequirement


2 GHz (i7 or higher)


8 GB

Take into account that installing both the services and repositories in one machine will increase the needed requirements. For larger environments, IDERA recommends to install the SQL Enterprise Job Manager Collection Services and Repositories in different machines.

SQL Enterprise Job Manager repositories requirements

The Hard Drive Space for SQL Enterprise Job Manager repositories will depend on the amount of data handled on the monitored instances and how long you plan to retain your data. 

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