The Job Overlap Viewer allows you to see which jobs are overlapped: running or scheduled to run at the same time across your registered SQL Server instances. 

You can find the Job Overlap Viewer on the Job details view, specifically on the top right corner options of the Job Schedule section. To access the Job details view of a job, click the name of the job in the Jobs tab. 

What information can you see in the Job Overlap Viewer?

For those overlapped jobs you can view the following information:

  • Instance Name -  Overlapped jobs across different instances in your environment.
  • Start Time -  The start time of the overlapped jobs.
  • End Time - When each job finished executing. 
  • Duration - The duration time for each job. 
  • Overlapping Job - The name of the job.
  • Start Time -  The start time of the overlapped jobs.
  • End Time - When the overlapped jobs finished executing. 
  • Duration - The duration time of the overlapped jobs. 
  • Total Overlap Time - The total amount of time the jobs are overlapped.

Additionally, on the top right corner you can find the following information:

  • Total overlap events - a counter of the total number of overlapped jobs.
  • Total overlap - the total amount of time the events are overlapped.

Keep in mind:

  • You can sort the information available on this tab by clicking the column header by which you want to order your instances.
  • Click the  more options icon to select the information you want to hide or show on the Job Overlap view list.

How can you filter and organize your information in the Job Overlap Viewer?

On the top section of the Job Overlap viewer, you can select the Overlap Period. Specify a day and use the slider for a specific time range.

Additionally, you can filter the information available on this view with the following options:

  • Instance name - select the instances for which you want to view overlapped jobs.
  • Job name - select the job for which you want to view conflicting events.
  • Duration  - use the time slider to define a job duration for which you want to view overlapped events.

When using filters consider that:

  • Some filters have the option to Add Filter in case the information you are looking for is not listed. Once you click on Add Filter, a dialog box appears. Type the name you are looking for on the Search bar, then select it from the list, and Save. Your filter will be included under the filter list where you added it.
  • Click the respective checkbox to add or remove your selections.
  • If you want to select filters first and apply the changes later, deselect the Apply Filter Instantly option.

To export the information on this view, use the Export option on the top menu of this tab and select your preferred format: CSV, PDF, or XML. 

How do you save filters? 

You can save your preferred filtering options by typing a name in the Add Filter wizard of the Custom Filter section and clicking Save. Once you save your filter, you can retrieve it from the drop-down bottom of the Custom Filter option available on the left side under the Filter Table By section. 

How do you remove filters?

You can remove filters by following these options:

  • Use the specific Clear Filter option in each filter. For example, if you want to remove your status filters, click Clear Filter.
  • Under Applied filters on the top section or your Job Overlap viewer, you can see the filters you have selected, click the X icon next to the ones you want to remove.
  • Use the option Clear All Filters on the top section of the Filter Table By to remove all filters.

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