The IDERA Dashboard tracks all SQL Server instances, including not only instances managed or registered with SQL Enterprise Job Manager, but also those discovered on the network.

To access these options, select Manage Instances in the Administration view. The Manage Instances view allows you to select the following filters by clicking Options: 

  • Instance Name - Select your instance from the drop-down list with all available SQL Server instances in your environment.
  • MSSQL Version - Select the SQL Version for which you want to view instances information.
  • Tags - Select the tags for which you want to view instances information.
  • Discovered - Choose a period of time when instances were discovered.
  • Last Seen - Select a period of time when IDERA products last monitored the instances. 
  • Idera Product - Select the IDERA product you want to view instances.
  • Status - Choose if you want to view Managed (Registered), Unmanaged (discovered on the network but not registered), Archived, Discovered, Ignored, Unsupported, or Deleted instances.

According to your requirements, select the options you would like to filter from your SQL Server instances. Click Search and your filter options will be displayed under the list available in this section.

If you specifically know what would you like to filter, use the SEARCH option on the top section of this tab.

When selecting any of the instances displayed on the list, you can:

  • View its details (products where they are registered, SQL Server version, Status, and Available License).
  • Change the instance status by product and then click Save to keep the changes.

To remove all filters, click Clear Filters

You can define how many instances you want to view per page. Go to the bottom section of the tab and type the number of instances you want to see per page.

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