This build includes many fixed issues, including the following updates.

7.2.1 new features

Improved backup performance

SQLsafe now offers faster backup times when backing up SQL Server instances in the following types of environments:

  • When the instance is hosted on server computer that is experiencing heavy resource loads.
  • When the instance is running on a virtual machine (VM)

7.2.1 fixed issues

  • SQLsafe now ensures backup jobs do not fail when the SQLsafe Backup Agent cannot read the registry on the target SQL Server instance.
  • SQLsafe now provides more stability and better performance when using the Management Console.
  • SQLsafe now displays the correct file locations for mirrored and striped backup sets in the following windows:
    • View Policy Settings
    • Summary tab of Backup Policy wizard
  • SQLsafe now handles NULL values that may be returned from the operating system when an InstantRestore is in progress, allowing the operation to continue.

7.2 new features

New ability to specify mirror backup locations for Log Shipping policies

You can now store mirrored copies of transaction log backup files in multiple locations, and then select which location should be used as the backup source when the log is shipped. This setting can be configured for each secondary server in the Log Shipping policy.

7.2 fixed issues

  • The SQLsafe Management Console now displays the correct database name when you attempt to cancel an operation and the operation status grid has been sorted by a column other than Start Date.
  • When a server is reinitialized for a Log Shipping Policy, the Management Console now correctly refreshes, and no longer returns the error “System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."
  • SQLsafe now retries failed restore operations associated with Log Shipping policies.
  • The SQLsafe Backup Agent now incurs minimal performance impacts when running backup operations on servers that have heavy loads.

7.1 New features

Enhanced Log Shipping Policy features

Log shipping policy enhancements provide a way to specify an alternate network path from where you want the secondary database to pull the file to restore. For additional information about the new log shipping policy features, see  Configure Secondary Options window  of the Log Shipping Policy wizard.

Enhanced Restore wizard features

Restore wizard enhancements provide an easier way to restore from a mirrored database when the primary database location is unavailable. For more information about the Restore wizard enhancements, see "How do I select where my backup files are located?" on the   Backup Sets tab of the Restore Wizard .  

Enhanced Cluster support

SQL safe now supports failovers for Instant Restore during hydration. For additional information about the using SQLsafe in a clustered environment, see    Using SQLsafe on a Microsoft Windows cluster environment .  

SQL Server 2012 experimental support

SQLsafe 7.1 is SQL Server 2012 RC0 compatible. This version of SQLsafe is not certified against newer builds of SQL Server and should not be used with these builds in a production environment. Idera provides experimental support while you use your installation in a testing environment to ensure the features you rely on most are working as or better than expected.

7.1 Fixed issues

  • Users who have a case-sensitive SQL Server user name no longer finds SQLsafe failing to create a job. This issue was the result of SQLsafe adding the characters in an all lowercase format.
  • SQLsafe now prompts for a user name and password if a user runs the SQLsafeCmd DELETE command when they do not have access to the remote file system.
  • This release fixes an issue that caused some users attempting to upgrade to SQLsafe 7.0 to receive a message stating that a previous version already exists.
  • An issue preventing the backup service from starting after some users upgraded to SQLsafe 7.0 is resolved.
  • Restore policies no longer become out of sync with the database for users who have multiple data files.
  • An issue occurring during an upgrade that prevented backups from starting is resolved. In the job history, this issue logged an error stating, "The process could not be created for step 1 of job X (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed."
  • A data format issue that caused some users to see a number of their policies as "Not Loaded" is fixed. All policies should successfully appear after any SQLsafe version upgrade.
  • SQLsafe now prompts the user to sync policies after changing SQL authentication details for a SQL Server.

7.0.2 Fixed issues

  • SQLsafe applications and services no longer experience a long delay when starting if Windows cannot verify the Authenticode signature on the associated applications and services.
  • SQLsafe Agent deployment no longer fails due to an issue that occurs when accessing the registry on the remote machine during installation.
  • The SQLsafe Management Console now properly handles creating and re-initializing log shipping databases that include several data files.
  • The SQLsafe Management Console now properly handles creating restore policies for databases that include several data files.

7.0.1 Fixed issues

  • The SQLsafe Today page now accurately displays the status for each item on the policy list and includes the status for operations that occasionally did not appear because the UTC offset was set to hours instead of minutes.

7.0 new features

Access your database quickly during a restore

SQLsafe gives you the option to bring your database back online quickly when performing a restore. The    InstantRestore feature   lets you work on restoring a database while allowing users to perform read and write operations to the database during this process. InstantRestore is available only for restoring full databases and does not support a restore of individual files or file groups.

Automatically run a Full backup prior to a Diff/Log backup

SQLsafe simplifies the initial setup process by automatically detecting and performing a Full backup prior to a Differential or Transaction Log backup.

7.0 Fixed issues

  • The Retry reading backup files after network errors check box on the Backup Sets tab of the SQLsafe Database Restore wizard is renamed Enable network resiliency. The functionality remains the same while the name of the field was changed to improve usability.
  • The Verify (checks integrity, no data restored) option moved from the Recovery State tab to the Target tab in the SQLsafe Database Restore wizard.
  • SQLsafe now properly displays the selection in the Select backup sets manually box when the user switches from one database to another using the Restore wizard. This issue affected users attempting to restore multiple databases.
  • New rolling logs improve troubleshooting by avoiding issues that result when a single log file continues to store information and grows without a limit. This file can cause performance issues and be hard to search for clues to find the issue you are trying to resolve. This feature is recommended for use only when instructed by Idera support.
  • SQLsafe Reporting no longer displays an error message when a user attempts to run the Last Backup report.
  • Dependent SQLsafe operations in a series are now associated so that when one of the operations fails, all of the following operations are canceled.
  • The Restore wizard now properly handles the LSN chain when there is an intermediate Full backup.
  • Performance updates improve the speed of the SQLsafe installation.
  • Enhancements to SQLsafe memory usage decrease the chance of memory leaks or fragmentation.
  • Users can now backup a database using only one thread as specified in the Thread Count field on the SQLsafe Backup Policy wizard Options tab.
  • SQLsafe alerting now properly handles log shipping restore schedule start times when set to a non-default value.
  • SQLsafe network retry updates fixed an issue that resulted when the SQLAgent job hung during a backup and the network retry function is disabled.
  • SQLsafe no longer causes an extreme load on the tempdb while backing up a database.
  • SQLsafe now properly handles FQDN names when connecting to the Backup Service.
  • SQLsafe no longer truncates text within the Result Text field.
  • Users can now sort the list of databases in the SQLsafe Backup wizard by clicking the appropriate column name.
  • SafeToSQL users who submit an encryption password that fails verification now receive the correct error message.
  • The Backup Policy wizard no longer re-runs the file access check after a user edits the policy unless the change was made to the Location tab.
  • SQLsafe now allows encryption passwords of more than 24 characters. This update allows users to implement pass phrases as a more effective method of security.
  • Users no longer experience an issue causing the default SQL Server instance file path to change when re-running a failed or skipped backup.
  • SQLsafe now features Cancel buttons in a number of areas available when the user runs a task. You can cancel a task when performing log shipping re-initialization, deleting a policy, enabling or disabling a policy, running a job, re-synching a policy, or updating a license.
  • SQLsafe now prompts the user immediately after a user account credential check fails.
  • Improved Command-line Interface (CLI) documentation regarding SQLsafe and TSM server is located in the SQLsafe Help topic, Back up to the TSM Server.
  • Accessing sample Command-line Interface (CLI) and Extended Stored Procedure (XSP) script sample access is now documented in the Architecture and Components.
  • Users who submit a script that contains unnecessary backslash characters in the file path no longer receive an error message stating, "Value cannot be null." SQLsafe now omits the unnecessary backslash characters and continues the operation.
  • Users can now create and run log shipping or restore policies on a database that contains multiple files on different drives.
  • The SQLsafe Management Console now contains the proper certificate so the user no longer receives a request for credentials each time they launch the Console. This issue affected Windows 2008 users replying on user account control functionality.
  • The default Connection Settings detail on the SQLsafe Backup wizard Locations tab no longer retains any changes made during previous use.
  • Users can now quickly find an instance in the SQLsafe Database Restore wizard Databases tab by typing the name directly into the instance field and selecting the appropriate instance when it appears.
  • Users can now successfully change the IP address on the server hosting the SQLsafe Management Service without causing IP address resolution issues with the Backup Agent.
  • Users attempting to restore an older, inactive backup file stored to a TSM server no longer receive an error message.
  • SQLsafe XSP now correctly handles wide-character Unicode file names.
  • Updated file access permissions fixed a performance issue caused when SQLsafe ran the Backup Policy File Access Check on every database within a SQL Server instance.
  • SQLsafe performance is improved when a user attempts to create or run a policy, or load the policy status pages.
  • Users with large SQLsafe repositories no longer encounter a timeout when accessing the Backup Sets page in the Management Console during a restore.
  • If a backup policy specifies both a FULL as well as DIFF or LOG backups to be performed, the FULL backup is automatically run for new databases that have no previously-performed FULL backup existing at the time the FULL, DILL, or LOG backup is scheduled, whichever occurs first.
  • The SQLsafe Management Console no longer prevents users from deleting some policies. These policies failed when loading from the Repository before the user attempted to delete the policy.
  • PDF files of the SQLsafe Help and SQLsafe Release Notes now include hot links to access related information within the document.
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