Novell Remote Manager (NRM) is a web-based interface to newer Novell NetWare servers. NRM saves server statistics in an XML file. Uptime Infrastructure Monitor collects performance metrics and availability information from NRM version 6.5 using HTTP or HTTPS by retrieving the XML file, parsing it and then storing the information in the DataStore. Graphs can be generated for a number of NRM metrics using the collected data.

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor can monitor Novell NetWare NRM version 6.5. Earlier versions of NRM are not supported. 

Adding a Novell NRM system to UIM

To add a Novell NRM version 6.5 system to UIM

  1. On the UIM tool bar, click Infrastructure, and then click the Add System / Network Device tab.
  2. Complete the  Display name in the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor and Description fields on the monitor template.
  3. Select Novell NRM from the Type of System / Device dropdown list.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Host name. Actual name of the system that Uptime Infrastructure Monitor will be monitoring, or the IP address of that system.
    • Port. Port on which the NRM is listening. 8008 is the default for a port that is not using SSL. 8009 is the default for a port that is using SSL.
    • Username. NRM administrator account name.
    • Password. NRM administrator password.

      The password is encrypted and stored in the UIM DataStore.

  5. If you want to associate this system with a group, select the name of the group from the Group dropdown list.
  6. Click Save.