Normally the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent is setup by default to run under xinetd mode. Which relies on the xinetd super service to be installed at the OS level. Though recent versions of Redhat no longer have this service installed by default. As such the alternative is to run the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent under daemon mode.

Enabling Daemon mode

The easiest way to enable the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent's daemon mode is via the '' script normally located at /opt/uptime-agent/bin/

[]# cd /opt/uptime-agent/bin/
[]# ./ daemon on
When changing from modes (xinetd <-> daemon), there is a delay of 60 seconds before it starts
In order for the Uptime agent to start up on boot in daemon mode you will need to symbolic link the startup scripts to the init directory
ln -s /opt/uptime-agent/bin/ /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99uptm_daemon
ln -s /opt/uptime-agent/bin/ /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K1uptm_daemon
Starting the daemon.....

Disabling Daemon mode

Disabling the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent's daemon mode is done via the same script, which sets the agent to run under xinetd mode again, and removes the above mentioned symlinks:

[bin]# ./ daemon off
Stopping the daemon.....
Stopping Uptime agent daemon
The safe wraparound script is not running
uptimeagent agent is not running
Removing symbolic links in linux startup directories
[bin]# When changing from modes (xinetd <-> daemon), there is a delay of 60 seconds before it starts

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