Versions Compared


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After troubleshooting the WMI connectivity issues the “WMI is not available on the server” alert is no longer displaying

10.1 New features

Health Index Calculation

 Modify the index calculation scale factor for each type of alert. Assign instances more or less importance in the overall heatmap ranking by modifying their scale factors. For additional information, see Heatmap Calculation Configuration.

Use Instance Friendly Name in Web Console

The Friendly Name assigned in the Desktop Console can also be used in the Web Console. For more information, see Assign a friendly name to your SQL Server instance.

Query Waits Alert Response Action

Collect more information by enabling the collection of Query Waits when the criteria for an alert response rule is met. For additional information, see Query Waits Action Provider.

SCOM Alert Response Action

Send an Event or an Alert to SCOM in response to an alert when the criteria for the new alert rule is met. For additional information, go to SCOM Event Action Provider and SCOM Alert Action Provider.

PowerShell Alert Response Action

Specify a PowerShell script to run in response to an alert when the criteria for the new alert rule is met. For additional information, see PowerShell Action Provider.

PowerShell Snap-in Added Functions

Customize your monitored SQL Server properties with new cmdlets. For more information, see Customize your Monitored SQL Server properties within PowerShell.

Independent Scheduling of Multiple Baselines

Add and schedule multiple baseline periods in addition to the default baseline. For additional information, see Schedule multiple baselines.

10.1 Fixed issues


The SQLDM Desktop is no longer showing slow performance that was caused by retained data from deleted instances.

Grooming process

The grooming process has stopped the exceeding growth of the SQLStatementsOverflow table.

Monitor AlwaysOn Availability Groups

The monitored Availability Group Listeners no longer have issues gathering information from the primary replica.

The “Unreadable availability replica” status is no longer displaying in the databases that are part of AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Collection service

Enabling maintenance mode for all monitored instances is no longer causing SQLDM Collection Service crash.

Troubleshoot WMI connectivity issues

After troubleshooting the WMI connectivity issues the “WMI is not available on the server” alert is no longer displaying.displayin

10.0.2 New features

 There are no new features.

10.0.2 Fixed issues


  • The "DtcService Status" error displayed after selecting a view or tag in the desktop client, when configured with the Hungarian system language, no longer occurs.
  • An issue preventing SQL Diagnostic Manager from registering instances using long and complex SQL Authentication passwords no longer occurs.
  • The Snapshot Selection window now displays correctly the AM and PM time symbols when using French (Swiss) regional settings in SQL Diagnostic Manager.
  • The SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2008 versions are now displayed correctly in SQL Diagnostic Manager.
  • An issue preventing SNMP Traps to work properly no longer occurs


There are no new features.

10.0.1 Fixed issues


  • The desktop client is no longer unresponsive when the registered instances are unable to connect.


10.0 Fixed issues


  • Anchor
    This release fixes an issue with unsigned executables that occasionally blocked upgrades or resulted in security concerns that files may be corrupted.  In SQL Diagnostic Manager 10.0 executable binary files are digitally signed.  


There are no new features.

 9.1.2 Fixed issues


  • Anchor
    An issue causing a management service memory leak no longer occurs.


There are no new features.

 9.1.1 Fixed issues


  • Anchor
    An issue preventing OS metric statistics from being collected and disk drives not to be discovered after upgrading to 9.1, no longer occurs.


  • Users upgrading from SQL Diagnostic Manager 8.5 to 8.6 may encounter a message (see image below) that requests closing the Java framework application to proceed with the upgrade process. This framework is in use by the SQLdm WebUI Service of our web console feature. Clicking Ignore allows the upgrade installation process to complete successfully. You can also stop the SQLdm WebUI Service manually and click Retry to proceed with the Upgrade Wizard.


  • This release fixes an issue where scheduled SQL Diagnostic Manager Repository grooming failed.
  • This release fixes an issue that prevented data from being returned on a SQL 2012 instance when selecting the option Use Extended Events (SQL2012 + only) in the Wait Monitoring tab of the Monitored SQL Server Properties window.


Configure the WMI timeout value in SQL Diagnostic Manager when suitable. For instructions, see Configure OS metrics monitoring.

8.5 Fixed Issues


  • An issue causing settings in the Monitored SQL Server Properties window to revert no longer occurs.
  • This release fixes an issue in deadlock data collection that caused discrepancies in the UTCCollectionDateTime.
  • An issue causing SQL Diagnostic Manager to display an error on the monitored SQL Server 2014 instance when expanding the databases node, no longer occurs.
  • Some users may experience Windows console crashes, applying the Microsoft update 2919355 solves this issue. For additional information on this solution, see the Microsoft knowledge base articles:


There are no new features in this release.

8.0.1 Fixed issues


  • Users with large Repository databases no longer experience high CPU Usage by the sqlserv.exe process.
  • An issue causing occasionally negative CPU Delta (ms) and Physical I/O Delta values in the Details view of the SQL Diagnostic Manager Sessions tab, when parallel usage of CPU is enabled, no longer occurs.


Users who implement the SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP Engine functionality should note that SQL Diagnostic Manager does not support this feature at the moment.

8.0 Fixed Issues


  • An arithmetic overflow error that converts expression to data type integer in the Query Waits and Session Details views no longer occurs.
  • An issue causing errors related to data retention or data visibility in the History Browser no longer occurs. Note that some views in SQL Diagnostic Manager only collect data on demand in the repository after configuration.
  • In SQL Diagnostic Manager 8.0 users are now able to limit the amount of memory used by the desktop client.


An issue preventing users from running the Alert History Report after deployment to Reporting Services no longer occurs.

7.5.4 New Features


Charts now properly manage real-time and scheduled collection data in the same time span


SQLdm Mobile & IDERA Newsfeed now supports IIS 8 on Windows 2012 and Windows 8 environments. For additional information about SQLdm Mobile & IDERA Newsfeed requirements, see SQLDM Mobile and IDERA Newsfeed requirements.

7.5.4 Fixed Issues


  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now responds to the collection filtering set for disk drives to prevent the Collection service from gathering data on non-monitored disks.
  • Users who upgraded to SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.3, and who collect data using a direct WMI connection no longer experience an issue causing an instance to stop collecting snapshots.
  • An issue causing errors when the Collection service attempted to collect Table Growth information no longer occurs.


There are no new features for SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.3.

7.5.3 Fixed Issues


  • Users who upgrade to SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.2 no longer experience missed alerts.
  • Users who upgrade from SQL Diagnostic Manager 6.2 to a more recent version of SQL Diagnostic Manager no longer experience issues upon subsequent upgrades. SQL Diagnostic Manager displayed the message, "Query Monitor upgrade paused," in the log and caused excessive connections to the Repository.
  • Users with large databases who upgrade to SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.2 no longer experience Management Service blockage, causing slow inserts into the Repository.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now successfully installs and no longer stalls on the splash screen while displaying the message, "Connecting to Repository."
  • The SQLdm Management Service no longer causes high CPU on the Repository.


There are no new features for SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.2.

7.5.2 Fixed Issues


  • When upgrading to SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.x and a timeout occurs while upgrading the database statistics, SQL Diagnostic Manager now properly re-submits the query and no longer indicates that it is running without re-starting the stopped upgrade. This issue caused some users to not see older database information.
  • An issue causing the SQL Diagnostic Manager Console to take a long time to load or time out after upgrading to 7.5 and display the message, "Unable to connect: Timeout expired attempting to open server connection," no longer occurs.
  • Users who upgrade to SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5 no longer experience an issue causing the transaction log file to grow dramatically.
  • An issue with the stored procedure p_GetTagServersAsXML not closing or de-allocating a cursor no longer occurs as the stored procedure no longer uses a cursor.
  • An issue with table statistics collection causing a communication problem between the Management Service and the Collection Service is resolved.
  • SQLdm no longer displays an "Arithmetic overflow error" message when refreshing the Server Summary view This issue was caused by a timestamp containing a value greater than the SQL Server Max Integer value.


There are no new features for SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.1.

7.5.1 Fixed Issues


  • An issue causing an exception error and possibly preventing some users from closing the SQLdm desktop client no longer occurs.


There are no new features for SQL Diagnostic Manager 7.5.

7.5 Fixed Issues


  • The SQL Diagnostic Manager installer no longer checks your Windows firewall service. If you have communication issues after installation, verify that ports 5166 and 5167 are open for access in Windows firewall and/or whichever firewall you use.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now properly aggregates data based on the number of days displayed in the Aggregate query data into daily records after X days field in the Grooming Options.
  • Users monitoring disk activity on Windows 2008 and later operating systems no longer have to wait one second per disk for statistics gathering.
  • Users no longer receive false "Unable to connect" alerts for monitored SQL Server instances known to be online. The server availability check now attempts one connection retry in order to avoid alerting in case of transient network issues.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now can send email notifications to Gmail accounts and other email accounts using SSL encryption.
  • The About IDERA SQL Diagnostic Manager dialog box no longer includes the System Info button.
