Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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SQLDM-30189 SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer generating an error related to Procedure Cache when monitoring Azure SQL Database.

title10.4 New Features and Fixed Issues

10.4 New features

  • Visual Query Plans is now available for launch in the Windows Client context from any query.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager includes an improved collection of Extended Event query plans.
  • This release includes new options to exploit Query Store collections for query waits, query plans, and query performance.
  • Improved IDERA Dashboard with new alerts grid and instance lists.

10.4 Fixed Issues

Maintenance Mode

Enabling maintenance mode on an ad-hoc basis no longer purges the scheduled maintenance mode settings. This allows users to easily restore schedule maintenance mode settings as needed.

Azure Databases

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client is no longer returning error messages when viewing data on monitored Azure Databases.


The metric "SQL Server Log size" is triggering alerts as expected.

Web Console

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Web Console is correctly reporting the statuses of the monitored SQL Server instances.

Improved performance of the SQL Diagnostic Manager Web Console.

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Web console correctly recognizes users configured in Application Security.


SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer reporting persistent deadlocks from the [p_InsertDatabaseSize] procedure.

Desktop Console

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client now correctly displays dates based on the Operating System settings.

The SQLDM Graphical User Interface now correctly responds and no longer hangs.

Improved performance when updating Monitored SQL Server Properties within the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client.

The Desktop console is no longer displaying random exceptions.


SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly sends alerts in a timely manner via email.

SQLDM now correctly imports Alert templates.

When hovering over a monitored instance on the Servers panes view, the displayed tooltip now correctly displays the current active alerts.

The Alert suppression threshold now correctly works and triggers alerts as expected.


The PowerShell now correctly works when the $AlertText is used for the Blocked Sessions Wait Time (Seconds).

Table Statistics

Table Statistics collection is now properly excluding specified databases that are hosted on a case sensitive collation.


The Enterprise Summary report now correctly lists the SQL Server version of the monitored instances.


Improved memory consumption by the SQLdm Management Service.

The SQLdm Management Service remains in a running state if the SQL Server instance hosting the SQLdm Repository database is unavailable.

SQL Diagnostic Manager will correctly report the status of the SQL Server Agent Service on SQL Server 2008 R2 instances.

title10.3.x New Features and Fixed Issues

10.3.1 New features

No new features for this release.

10.3.1 Fixed Issues

Desktop console

SQLDM-29486 The SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client is no longer encountering latency issues when navigating between monitored instances.


SQLDM-29459 SQLdm Collection services is no longer causing high CPU and network usage after performing an upgrade.

SQLDM-29448 After performing an upgrade to SQL Diagnostic Manager 10.3, the job "Aggregate Data SQLdmRepository" is no longer reporting timeouts.

SQLDM-29505 The SQLdm Management service starts automatically after the upgrade.

10.3 New features

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is able to monitor SQL Server 2017 instances running on Windows or Linux operating systems.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now includes a new operator security role.
  • This release include new grooming and aggregation options for long term forecasting metrics for disks, databases, and tables.

10.3 Fixed Issues


SQLDM-28824 SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly imports alert templates.

SQLDM-28940 The alert suppression threshold now correctly works in SQL Diagnostic Manager.

SQLDM Desktop Client

SQLDM-28844 An unhandled exception is no longer being encountered when accessing the Queries tab in the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client.

Amazon RDS

SQLDM-28932 When monitoring an Amazon RDS SQL Server instance, SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer encountering the ‘The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_fixeddrives', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'’ exception.


SQLDM-28957 The SQLdm Management Service is no longer encountering issues when reading metric threshold settings from the repository database.

Custom Counters

SQLDM-29015 SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer reporting the error: "Unable to connect to SQL Instance - Custom counters file view is out of memory"

title10.2.x New Features and Fixed Issues

10.2.3 New Features

No new features for this version.

10.2.3 Fixed Issues

Installation and Upgrade                                                                               

  • The reported issues when re-installing SQL Diagnostic Manager with a pre-existing repository, have been solved.
  • The ongoing SSL errors when attempting to install SQL Diagnostic Manager have been solved for this version.
  • The Unable to monitor error "Error interpreting Job Alerts Collector: Invalid column name 'job_last_run_duration'."  is no longer displaying when running an upgrade.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly displays historical snapshots after upgrading.


  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly displays accurate results when running an Analysis.       

Availability Groups

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly connects to Availability Group listeners, and monitoring AlwaysOn instances.


  • The Session Statistics graph is no longer having issues showing the Y-axis values of the Transactions per Minute graph.


  • The reported problem of WMI not being available on some servers has been fixed.


  • IDERA Dashboard is no longer reporting maintenance mode status in actively monitored instances.
  • The IDERA Dashboard is displaying data in the Queries view screen, the message "No Data Available. Please try after some time" is no longer showing.
  • The IDERA Dashboard is now allowing access to the web console through domain groups and individual accounts.
  • Users are no longer having issues when they manually register SQL Diagnostic Manager in the Dashboard.


  • The error displayed in the desktop console, when users were trying to connect to the SQLdm Management service, has been fixed.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is now correctly firing alert emails when the SQLdm Collection service is down.


  • The changes that users applied to the metrics in the default templates are no longer causing errors.


  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer displaying erroneous time-range data in the ChangeLog and is complying the user grooming configuration.
  • The DatabaseFileStatistics grooming is running as expected and it has stopped timing out.

SQLDM Mobile

  • The reported problem when running queries in SQLDM Mobile is no longer an issue in Chrome and other browsers.

Alert Rules and Alert Responses

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly generating emails for all the configured Alert Rules that has the "Where metric severity has changed" option enabled.
  • SQLDM is now sending alerts to SCOM for the metrics and severities specified in the rule, without disruption.
  • The Alert Response "Send all Alerts to Scom as Alerts" is no longer having issues when the default configuration is changed.
  • When the default configuration is changed in the Alert Response "Send all Alerts to SCOM as Alerts", these changes are correctly applied and work as expected.


  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is notifying the user by email when the alert "Blocking Session Wait Time" has a critical status.

Other issues

  • The Sessions, Queries, and Query Waits screens in the desktop console are displaying data normally.             
  • The errors in the details of a Deadlock occurrence caused by an "intra-query parallelism deadlock" have been fixed.
  • SQLDM now correctly displays query data statements. All queries are matching up with their associated databases.                   
  • The error: "Key already exists, Parameter name key (Infragistics2.Shared.v10.3)" is no longer displaying when removing the Details column in the Signature Mode screen located in the Query Monitor.             
  • The problem that users had when creating custom dashboard in the SQL Diagnostic Manager web console, has been solved.
  • The friendly names are no longer being removed by SQL Diagnostic Manager.

10.2.2 New features

Cluster environment

  • A UNC path is set for DataPath for the SQLDM services in a cluster install.


  • SQL Diagnostic Manager runs the Detailed Session report. This report provides detailed session information of your selected SQL Server instance and is included under the Resource Analysis Reports.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager has included the Deadlock Report. This report lets you analyze deadlocks on your SQL Server instance and is included under the Monitor reports.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to exclude one or more disks when running the Disk Space Usage report.

10.2.2 Fixed issues

IDERA Dashboard

  • The errors "Error while fetching data” displayed in the IDERA Dashboard overview widgets are no longer shown.
  • The IDERA Dashboard is no longer having issues when displaying data for SQL Diagnostic Manager groups and individuals login accounts.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer showing slow performance in the IDERA Dashboard.
  • The widgets are displaying without problems when SQL Diagnostic Manager has been registered again in the Dashboard.

Web console

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer displaying the error "Page not found" after entering valid credentials in the web console.
  • The web console is no longer having issues displaying data.


  • The Tempdb summary screen is no longer displaying unhandled exceptions. The widgets are updating as expected.

Extended Events

  • The query information is collected through Extended Events smoothly and is visible in all instances.


  • When exporting an Alerts report as XML in the Dashboard, the "org/apache/xmlbeans/XmlObject" error is no longer generated.

Query Plan

  • The Query plan information is collecting and populating to the Dashboard without problems


  • The "Availability Group Role Change" metric is generating alerts and notifying users by beeper and email alerts. This metric is generating OK status and working as expected.


  • The Disk selection located in the Resource tab of the desktop console is no longer having issues when displaying data.
  • Users are no longer getting the "The stored procedure 'p_GetDiskSizeDetails' doesn't exist (System.Data)" error, when they go to the Disk Size screen located in the Resources tab of the desktop console.

Availability Groups

  • The availability groups historical views are displaying accurate information. The Availability Group is no longer having issues when browsing back to previous snapshots.


  • The alerts status is working as expected when the metrics are set to run alerts in specific thresholds values.
  • The thresholds of the metric "Availability Groups Redo Queue" can be extended to higher values.
  • The sudden spikes and drastic drops of SQL Diagnostic Manager alerts are no longer occurring
  • When the threshold values of a custom counter are updated, the changes are reflected into the linked instances.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer showing problems while displaying deadlocks information in the Alerts tab of the desktop console.
  • The Alerts summary is displaying the correct time zone in the alerts details description.

Other Issues

  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer having issues when creating shortcuts for all users.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer displaying installation failed messages.
  • The blocking alerts triggered with no description data when SQL Diagnostic Manager is upgraded, are no longer an issue.
  • The exception filter wildcard is working without problems after SQL Diagnostic Manager is upgraded.
  • When a user clicks the "Optimize Script" button in the Finding Text of the Analyze option, SQL Diagnostic Manager is able to receive SQL Script without problems.
  • After installing SQL Diagnostic Manager, an unhandled exception is shown together to the "Connect to Repository" message.
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer displaying inconsistent Wait stats.

10.2.1 New features

No new features for this version.

10.2.1 Fixed issues

SQLDM Desktop console

The exception displayed when accessing Sessions > Locks is no longer shown.

The Sessions Details view and the Locks view are displaying normally. The “Sysadmin privileges to obtain data for this view” message is no longer showing in these views.


SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer displaying false grooming alerts.

10.2 New features

SQL Diagnostic Manager

SQL Diagnostic Manager has performance improvements, focus on an extensive scalability and user productivity improvements which involve faster startup time and faster connectivity between SQL Diagnostic Manager and SQL Workload Analysis.

SQL Workload Analysis integration

SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to launch SQL Workload Analysis in context of your monitored server from the desktop console and the IDERA Dashboard. For more information, see Launch SQL Workload Analysis.

Time-based drilldown any graph in the desktop console and in the web console to select any time range to zoom in for more detail.

SQL Workload Analysis launch points in different components of SQL Diagnostic Manager desktop and web console.

History browser

SQL Diagnostic Manager has a new History Range Control in the desktop console and web console that allows you to choose the time range you need, specifying the start time and end date; as well as current snapshot.

10.2 Fixed issues

Always On availability groups

An issue that caused CPU spikes on the primary node of a monitored Always On availability group has been fixed.


SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer reporting problems when displaying alerts and snapshots.

The active Alerts are displayed normally in the SQLDM web console.

The "Unable to monitor" alert related to the following description: "[Server Name]Error interpreting Job Alerts Collector: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. [Server Name] Error executing Job Alerts collector: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition" is no longer displaying after an upgrade.


The high memory consumption and the constant crashing of the SQLdm Collection service and the SQLdm Management service are no longer occurring.

An issue that would stop the SQLDM Collection Service from monitoring one or more SQL instances has been fixed.

The SQLDM Management Service no longer crashes when it encounters a malformed Alert Rule.

Cloud instances

While monitoring RDS SQL Server instances, SQLDM is no longer receiving errors while navigating through the panes in the desktop console.

SQL Diagnostic Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

title10.1.x New Features and Fixed Issues

10.1.4 New features

No new features

10.1.4 Fixed issues


  • To provide a clearer understanding of what the “Distribution Latency (Seconds)” metric is measuring, the description of the metric and summary of raised alerts has been updated.
  • SQLDM is now displaying Informational Alerts for SQL Server Agent Long Running Jobs.
  • SQLDM is displaying alerts in Dashboard and the desktop console regardless the ‘Region and Language’ settings.
  • "Days since last backup" alert is being triggered considering the threshold values configured in the alert configuration template.
  • When the log file is filled up in a database, the Log Full (Percent) alert is being triggered normally and the LogSizeInKilobytes and PercentLogSpace columns are not showing NULL value when the log percent retrieved is greater than 100%.
  • The exception filter wildcard is working normally and is no longer causing undesired alerts.
  • The Filegroup Space Full (Percent) alerts for filegroups that are on the same disk are showing the correct values for the space full percentage.
  • The number of days since last backup are now correctly displayed for daily backups databases. SQLDM is now generating the “Days since last backup” alert for databases that include a space at the end of the database name.
  • SQLDM is no longer receiving continuous OK status alerts for the Log Full (Percent) and Database Full (Percent) metrics.

Alert response

  • Alert Response triggers normally when a server is added to a tag.

Availability Groups

  • The "Days since last backup" metric is now checking the backup preferences of databases participating in an Availability Groups prior to raising alerts. 
  • SQL Server Agent jobs created for SQLDM are no longer encountering errors on secondary nodes when the SQLDM repository is hosted in an availability group.
  • When a member of a database is on a read-only role, SQLDM is no longer displaying critical alerts on the Availability Groups databases.

Custom Counter

  • The Custom Counter SQL Script text window is resizing to the popup window size.


  • The Dashboard and SQLDM are reflecting the same per-database data size usage.
  • The error "Something unexpected happened Java.Null.Pointer exception" is caused by a compatibility issue between products in the IDERA Dashboard is no longer displaying.
  • In the IDERA Dashboard overview, the SQLDM Instances status widget is no longer having issues displaying the number of servers or the status of the servers. A compatibility issue among IDERA products within IDERA Dashboard caused this issue.

Data collection

  • SQLDM is no longer having issues collecting log errors with a Severity higher than 21.


  • All graphs are displayed correctly and with all the information complete.


  • The upper limits on High Availability Log Send Queue size alert triggering have been extended to 999 million logs.
  • Users can now review the SQL Server Error logs. The error "Error reading SQL 2005 SQL Server log: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid" is no longer showing up.


  • The SQLDM console is now refreshing the list of the resulting queries in the Statement Mode View. Improvements to the Statement Mode view in the SQLDM console to allow a list of queries.
  • The date ranges are now consistent when switching among Signature mode, Statement mode, and Query History screen. Query history now displays details about the query selected.
  • Improvements to the query used to populate the data on the Alerts view in the SQLDM Desktop Console.
  • ‘Top Queries’ and ‘Query Overview’ generate successful reports without timeout or expired messages.

Replication Monitoring

  • When using replication, SQLDM is displaying the correct publisher status.


  • SQLDM is triggering accurate results when running "Top Queries" reports.
  • SQLDM reports that are deployed to SSRS are now generating charts correctly.
  • Index improvements to improve the duration it takes to run the Database Statistics report.


  • There are no longer issues in the Repository connection application when using Management Service Utility to reconfigure repository connection for a management service.
  • An error is no longer being generated on the Overview tab when the SQLDM repository database is hosted on a SQL Server 2005 instance. The error that was previously generated was “An error occurred while refreshing.Exception type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException. Message: Type Time is not a defined system type.”


  • Users are no longer encountering issues when viewing locks under the Sessions tab. The view is updated automatically.
  • The Lock section under Sessions is no longer showing "Sysadmin privileges are required to obtain data for this view" message.

SQL Server Agent

  • The SQL Server Agent Long Running Job (Percent) value is now properly calculated in the alerts screen.

Web console

  • Date/Time values stored in the SQLDM repository database are stored in GMT format. The SQLDM web console now converts the GMT format to the local time zone.
  • The SQLDM web console is no longer displaying deleted databases.
  • The Sessions view in the SQLDM web console is displayed with no errors.
  • Instances in Maintenance Mode are no longer displaying health status or alerts in the web console.

Other issues

  • SQLDM is no longer having timeouts when viewing large Databases under table and indexes.
  • SQLDM displays tables normally without delays.
  • The “Days since last backup” metric is only available for Online databases.
  • The index DatabaseStatistics has been added to the UTCCollectionTime nonclustered index for a better performance.
  • The IDERA Products option in Help Menu on the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Console is linked to the navigation page and is no longer prompting error.
  • SQLDM is no longer having issues when using a non-standard Short Date format.
  • The Monitored SQL Server Properties dialog box in SQLDM Desktop console is opening without any timeouts.

10.1.1 New features

SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to launch SQL Workload Analysis in context of your monitored server from the desktop console and the IDERA Dashboard. For more information, see Launch SQL Workload Analysis

10.1.1 Fixed issues


The Transaction Log Statistics report is no longer showing erroneous used size values.

The Disk Space History report is no longer encountering the 'String or binary data would be truncated' error.

Query Monitor

Query Monitor is no longer reporting a captured stored procedure as both a SQL Batch and a Stored Procedure when Query Monitor is configured to collect queries using Extended Events.

Query monitor is no longer capturing queries that do not meet threshold definitions.

Procedure Cache

SQLDM is no longer having issues when accessing to the Procedure Cache tab.

SQL Server CPU Usage (Percent)

SQLDM is no longer reported inflated values for the SQL Server CPU Usage (Percent) metric on monitored instances running on systems with hyper-threaded CPU.

Server Log file

The IDERA Dashboard is no longer recording the user login and password in the server.log file.

Cloud instances

SQLDM is no longer encountering the 'Read login mode failed:System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array' error while attempting to retrieve live data from a monitored instance running on Amazon EC2.

Blocked Sessions Graphs

The Blocked Sessions graphs report correctly the number of deadlocks that were detected by SQLDM.

Prescriptive Analysis

The Prescriptive Analysis is no longer encountering the ‘Error converting data type nvarchar to float’ error while saving the collected data into the SQLDM repository database.


SQLDM  is now grooming the DatabseFileStatistics table in the SQLDM repository database.


The Alerts pane is no longer having issues loading any active alerts due to a timeout with the query being issued against the SQLDM repository database. This query has been optimized to retrieve the list of active alerts in a timely manner.

10.1 New features

Health Index Calculation

Modify the index calculation scale factor for each type of alert. Assign instances more or less importance in the overall heatmap ranking by modifying their scale factors. For additional information, see Heatmap Calculation Configuration.

Use Instance Friendly Name in Web Console

The Friendly Name assigned in the Desktop Console can also be used in the Web Console. For more information, see Assign a friendly name to your SQL Server instance.

Query Waits Alert Response Action

Collect more information by enabling the collection of Query Waits when the criteria for an alert response rule is met. For additional information, see Query Waits Action Provider.

SCOM Alert Response Action

Send an Event or an Alert to SCOM in response to an alert when the criteria for the new alert rule is met. For additional information, go to SCOM Event Action Provider and SCOM Alert Action Provider.

PowerShell Alert Response Action

Specify a PowerShell script to run in response to an alert when the criteria for the new alert rule is met. For additional information, see PowerShell Action Provider.

PowerShell Snap-in Added Functions

Customize your monitored SQL Server properties with new cmdlets. For more information, see Customize your Monitored SQL Server properties within PowerShell.

Independent Scheduling of Multiple Baselines

Add and schedule multiple baseline periods in addition to the default baseline. For additional information, see Schedule multiple baselines.

10.1 Fixed issues


The SQLDM Desktop is no longer showing slow performance that was caused by retained data from deleted instances.

Grooming process

The grooming process has stopped the exceeding growth of the SQLStatementsOverflow table.

Monitor AlwaysOn Availability Groups

The monitored Availability Group Listeners no longer have issues gathering information from the primary replica.

The “Unreadable availability replica” status is no longer displaying in the databases that are part of AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Collection service

Enabling maintenance mode for all monitored instances is no longer causing SQLDM Collection Service crash.

Troubleshoot WMI connectivity issues

After troubleshooting the WMI connectivity issues the “WMI is not available on the server” alert is no longer displaying.
