Versions Compared


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  1. Select the Web site from the drop-down menu.
    The fields for a WebLogic, WebSphere, and Apache Web server will be auto-detected and populated when you select one of the auto-discovered Web sites in the Detected Web sites list.
    The following information is shown:
    • Apache. The full path of the configuration file.


      The auto-detection mechanism is limited in different ways, depending on whether Apache is on a Windows or UNIX server. On Windows, the detection is based on the services list. Therefore, Apache will not be detected if it is not defined as a service. On UNIX, the detection is based on running processes. The Web server version is not detected if the Precise user does not have execute permission on the Apache executable (HTTPD).

  2. Enter the Web site configuration file. To browse for the appropriate folder and file, click the browse (...) button.
    This input is required for Apache and Sun iPlanet. For all other web servers, it is recommended to manually enter the value to optimize the installation process. If however, the value is unavailable, the field can be left blank.
    The following values are auto-detected:
    • Apache. The full path and name of the main configuration file (for example:
      For Apache that serves Oracle applications:
      /rac_shared/env/inst/apps/VIS_pool-linux-rac-1/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/htt pd.conf)
    • Sun One or Sun iPlanet. The full path to the server.xml file of a specific server on a specific node in a specific cell (for example: c:\WebServers\Sun\WebServer6.1\https-admserv\config\server.xml).
    • Tomcat. The full path to the server.xml file (for example: c:\WebServers\Tomcat\conf\server.xml).


      If the auto-detected value is incorrect, you can change it manually.

  3. Select the Web server version from the drop-down menu.
    Normally the Tier installer will auto-detect and display the Web server version in this field. If the Web server version is not auto-detected, or incorrect, enter the inputs manually.
    Select one of the following Web server version options from the list:
    • Apache: 1.3.x, 2.0.x, or 2.2.x
    • Sun One: 6.1
    • Apache Tomcat 5.x, 6.x
    • Sun iPlanet 6.0
  4. Select the appropriate Web Server bits from the drop-down menu.
    This input is required only when using Apache or Sun iPlanet. For other Web servers, this input field is grayed-out. Normally the Tier installer will auto-detect and display the Web server bits in this field.
    If the Web server bit number is not auto-detected, or incorrect, enter the bit number manually. Select one of the following Web server bit numbers from the list:
    • 32
    • 64
  5. Select the application type from the drop-down menu.
    This is the application served by this Web server site. This information enables better configuration of the Web Tier Collectors. The following options are available:
    • Web (default)
    • Siebel
    • PeopleSoft
    • Oracle Applications
  6. Select the application version from the drop-down menu.
    This is the version of the application server chosen in the previous field. Select an application server version:
    • Siebel 7.7-8.1.1
    • PeopleSoft 8.44-8.50
  7. Enter the instance name. Use a free-text identifier to distinguish between multiple, monitored Web sites.
  8. Click Next.

Defining one of the following instances: WebSphere or WebLogic


A Web site configuration file is optional for WebSphere and WebLogic. During installation, the Web site configuration file is editable. If it’s not inserted, you will have to enter Web server listening ports manually on the next screen (Domain Information).


  1. Select the Web site from the drop-down menu.
    The fields for a WebLogic and WebSphere will be auto-detected and populated when you select one of the auto-discovered Web sites in the Detected Web sites list.
    The following information is shown:
    • WebLogic. The server name (if it exists) or full path of the configuration file.
    • WebSphere. The server name attribute from the server.xml file, or the full path of the configuration file.


      However, instances that are installed as Windows services will not be detected whether they are running or not. On UNIX, in most configurations of HP, Linux, Sun, and AIX prior to version 5.3 patch 5, the Web servers may be partially detected or not detected at all.

  2. Enter the Web site configuration file. To browse for the appropriate folder and file, click the browse (...) button.
    For non-cluster installations, it is recommended to manually enter the value to optimize the installation process. If however, the value is unavailable, the field can be left blank. For cluster installations, this is ignored.
    The following values are auto-detected:
    • WebLogic. The full path and name of the config.xml file (for example:
    • WebSphere. The full path to the server.xml file of a specific server on a specific node in a specific cell (for example: c:\WebServers\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config\cells\I4W-VM-SRV3Node01Cell\nodes\I4W-VM-SRV3Node01\servers\server1\server.xml).


      If the auto-detected value is incorrect, you can change it manually.

  3. Select the Web server version from the drop-down menu.
    Normally the Tier installer will auto-detect and display the Web server version in this field. If the Web server version is not auto-detected, or incorrect, enter the inputs manually. Select one of the following Web server version options from the list:
    • WebLogic. 8.x, 9.x, 10.x
    • WebSphere. 6.0, 6.1-6.x, 7.0
  4. Select the application type from the drop-down menu.
    This is the application served by this Web server site. This information enables better configuration of the Web Tier Collectors. The following options are available:
    • Web (default)
    • PeopleSoft
  5. Enter the instance name. Use a free-text identifier to distinguish between multiple, monitored Web sites.
  6. Click Next.

Defining an Oracle 10g Application Server instance

To define an Oracle 10g Application server instance

  1. Select the application server from the drop-down menu.
    The textboxes for the Oracle 10g Application Server will be auto-detected and populated when you select one of the auto-discovered Web sites in the Detected Web sites list. You can manually change the auto-detected values. The auto-detection mechanism has the following limitations:
    • The Web server version is not returned if you don’t have read permissions on the inventory/ContentsXML/configtools.xml file in the Application server folder.
    • On Solaris and AIX prior to version 5.3 patch 5, the Oracle 10g Application Server may be partially or not detected.
    • Instances that are currently not running are not detected. On Windows, instances that are installed as services are not detected, whether they are running or not.
  2. Select the Oracle Application server configuration file. To browse for the appropriate folder and file, click the browse (...) button.


    The configuration file should be named opmn.xml. Example for a configuration file path:



    Normally the Tier installer will auto-detect and display the Oracle Application server configuration file and the Apache Web server configuration file (step 3) in their fields. If the server configuration files are not auto-detected, or incorrect, enter the inputs manually.

  3. If there is an Integrated Apache web server running before the Oracle AS, select its configuration file. To browse for the appropriate folder and file, click the browse (...) button.
    For example, the configuration file of apache in an Oracle Applications 12 installation:
  4. Select the Oracle Application server version, from the drop-down menu.


    Normally the Oracle Application server version will be auto-detected. If it’s not auto-detected, manually enter the server version.

  5. Select the application type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the application version from the drop-down menu. The following options are available:
    • Web (default)
    • PeopleSoft
    • Oracle Applications
  7. Enter the instance name. Use a free-text identifier to distinguish between multiple, monitored web sites.
  8. Click Next.

Entering Domain information

Precise for Web monitors Web instance performance and availability. The domains screen displays a list of all detected Web domains. If the domains are not detected automatically, manually enter them.


  1. Mark one of the listed domains.
  2. Mark the SSL box if the domain is secured (HTTPS).
    If the desired domain is not on the list, or requires editing, follow steps a-:f
    1. Click Add or Edit.
    2. Choose either “All IPs” or “Specific IP”.


      If every IP address that the server listens on, is a real IP address, then they should all be specified. If the different names are actually virtual hosts, then only one should be specified. If the only difference is in the ports (same IP address with several ports), then only one of them should be specified.

    3. If a Specific IP is selected, enter the Specific IP name.
    4. Enter the port number for this domain.
    5. Enter the Host Header name for this domain (If it exists).
    6. Mark the SSL box if the domain is secured (HTTPS).
    7. Click Add.
    8. Click Next.

About the AdminPoint Tier installation preview screen

The preview screen signifies that the AdminPoint Tier installer has gathered enough information to begin the installation phase.


At this screen, you can still change any of the settings displayed. Click Back to change any of the displayed settings. Click Next to continue installation. Click Cancel to stop the installation process.

About the AdminPoint Tier installation progress screen

This screen appears when the AdminPoint Tier installer is actually performing installation. Installation may take several minutes.


The Add Servers screen enables you to add servers to a cluster. This can be done by moving servers to the table on the right. The new cluster server may get an indication that action items are pending and after the executing them, a list of cluster instances related to this cluster will be shown instead. Click Next to continue installation.

About the AdminPoint Tier installation complete screen

This screen appears when the AdminPoint Tier Installer has completed installation of all Tier instances.

If there are no action items, click Finish (it will be the only option available) to complete the instance installation. If there are action items, click Next (it will be the only option available).

About the AdminPoint Tier Action Items screen

After a Tier instance is installed, you must perform post-installation tasks as may be required. Only after completing any post-installation tasks required can you start using the Tier instances you have just installed.


  • WebLogic 9.2. <bea-root>\weblogic91\samples\domains\medrec\startWebLogic.cmd WebSphere 6.1 changes the server.xml file located for example in F:\webservers_linux\poollin3\ibm\websphere61\profiles\AppSrv01\config\cells\poollin3Node01Cell\nodes\poollin3Node01\servers\server1\server.xml
  • Tomcat 5.x & 6.x. <tomcat-dir> \bin\setclasspath.bat(sh)or click the Tomcat executable, and in the Apage Tomcat Properties dialog box go to the Java tab. There you can see the Java classpath.


    You will also need to add the servlet-api.jar file manually to the classpath. It can be found at: e.g. <tomcat- dir>\common\lib\servlet-api.jar.

  • Sun One 6.x uses the management console to change the classpath or you can edit the <sun-one-install-dir>\<server-name>\config\server.xml file and follow the instruction in the action item.

Enabling statistics collection on WebSphere 6.1 - 6.x and 7.x

  1. Open WebSphere admin console (URL: ibm/console/
  2. In the Integrated Solutions Console, click the Monitoring and Tuning tab.
  3. From the drop-down menu, click on Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).
  4. On the right pane, select the server upon which you want to enable statistics (for example, server1.)
  5. In the next screen, click the Runtime tab.
  6. On the Runtime tab, select either:
    • Basic
    • Extended
    • All
    • Custom


      If you select Custom, verify that the CommittedCount counter under Transaction Manager is enabled.


  1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites folder, expand the "Default-Web-Site", right-click the virtual directory that you want to collect post parameters on, and then click Properties.
  2. Click Add Wildcard Script Map.
  3. In the Executable box, enter the full path or browse to the native handler (.dll or .exe file) that processes the request: <precise_root>\products\www\instances\<instance_id>\bin\IISFilter.dll
  4. In the Name box, enter a name for the handler mapping.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Yes, to add the extension with an Allowed entry to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions list. Repeat this for each virtual directory you want to collect post parameters in.

Add the Precise post-parameters collection extension to the trusted list

  1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer; expand the Web Services Extensions, Click Add a new Web service extension.
  2. Put "Precise post parameters" as extension name.
  3. Click Add. In the "Path to file" field type the path to the DLL:
  4. Click OK.
  5. Mark the “Set extension status to Allowed” check box.
  6. Click OK.


  1. In the “Registry Path” field in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path and click Go: registry/instances/www/<server_name>/<instance_name>/settings.
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to “true”.
  3. Click Save.

Adding post-parameters collection for



To add post-parameters collection for IIS, see the following sections:


  1. In the “Registry Path” field in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path and click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to “true”.
  3. Click Save.

Adding post-parameters collection for all other supported Web servers

To add post-parameters collection for all other supported Web servers, see the following section:


This feature is not supported for Apache 1.3.

Updating the collect-post-parameters tag

To update the collect-post-parameters tag

  1. In the "Registry Path" field in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path and click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to "true."
  3. Click Save.

Removing post-parameters collection for



To remove wildcard application mapping from a Web server or Web site, go to the Precise_root directory and run the following script:
