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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When you apply a filter to a worksheet, by default, it applies only to the current worksheet. Using the sharing filter functionality, you can share a filter with all worksheets using the same data source or selected worksheets. For selected worksheets, you can only select worksheets using the same data source.

To learn about creating filters, see Creating Filters


Table of Contents

Apply Filter to All Worksheets Using the Same Data Source

This action applies a filter to all worksheets using the same data source. Visual Analytics automatically applies this filter to all existing worksheets. For new worksheets using the same data source, Visual Analytics applies the shared filter to the view immediately after a dimension or measure is placed in the Columns,  Rows or Chart Properties Deck. Any changes you make to the shared filter affect all worksheets. 

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To apply a filter to all worksheets

  1. Right-click the field in the Filters Deck.
  2. Click Apply to Worksheets > All Worksheets Using This Data Source. Worksheets to which this filter is applied are shown with a Image Added icon.

Apply Filter to Selected Worksheets Using the Same Data Source

This action opens a dialog listing only worksheets from the same data source. You can select the worksheets to which you want to apply the filter. Any changes you make to the shared filter affects the selected worksheets.

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To apply a filter to selected worksheets

  1. Right-click the field in the Filters Deck.
  2. Click Apply to Worksheets > Selected Worksheets.
  3. In the Share With Selected Worksheets dialog, select the worksheets to which you want to apply the filter. Worksheets to which this filter is applied are shown with a Image Added icon.

If a worksheet already had a filter applied and you apply a filter on the same field in a different worksheet and share the filter with other worksheets, then the shared filter replaces any existing filter also applied to the same field in other worksheets. For example, Orders: Worksheet 4 already had a filter applied to Product Container. Then, you apply a filter on the same field in Orders: Worksheet 1 and share this filter with Orders: Worksheet 4. Here, Visual Analytics will replace the filter applied to Product Container in Orders: Worksheet 4 with that of Orders: Worksheet 1, which would, in turn, change the filtered view of Orders: Worksheet 4

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Stop Sharing Filter with Other Worksheets

This action stops sharing the filter across all worksheets but does not delete the filter. Each worksheet has its own independent copy of the filter. The following will occur after choosing the Not Shared action:

  • These icons Image Added and Image Added will be removed from all or selected worksheets with which it was originally shared.
  • The filter, however, will remain applied to all worksheets with which it was originally shared.
  • Any changes made to the unshared filter on any worksheet will not get applied to other worksheets.

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To stop sharing a filter with other worksheets

  1. Right-click the field in the Filters Deck.
  2. Click Apply to Worksheets > Not Shared.

Remove Filter

These options remove a filter from current or shared worksheets.

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Remove From Shared Worksheets

Removes shared filter from all worksheets. This option is available only after a filter is shared with other worksheets.

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Remove From This Worksheet Only

Removes shared filter only from the current worksheet. Other worksheets are not affected. This option is available only after a filter is shared with other worksheets.

  • If you use drag & drop to remove a shared filter from the current worksheet, then Visual Analytics will remove the shared filter from all or selected worksheets.
  • If the filter was shared with all worksheets and you removed it from the current worksheet, then the shared filter icon changes from Image Added to Image Added for the remaining worksheets.
    Image Added