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This is a guide for installing Source Enablement Packs for WhereScape RED or higher

Table of Contents


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • PIP Manager
    • From Command Prompt (Run As Administrator) run the below command
      Code Block
      titlePIP Manager Install
      python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • Python Packages
    • From Command Prompt (Run As Administrator) run below command -the below command 
      Code Block
      titleInstall Python Package
      pip install pandas fastavro openpyxl xlsxwriter xlrd pyarrow fastparquet pyorc avro avro_python3 jsonpath_ng openpyxl Pillow pyarrow xmltodict lxml


      pip install --upgrade pandas


      Amazon S3


      pip install boto3


      Azure DataLake Storage Gen2


      python -m pip install azure-storage==0.36.0


      python -m pip install azure-storage-file-datalake


      Google Cloud


      python -m pip install --upgrade gcloud


      python -m pip install google_api_python_client google_auth_oauthlib


      python -m pip install protobuf google-cloud-core


      python -m pip install google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-storage




      python -m pip install simple-salesforce requests


Above mentioned python packages can be installed by running install_WslPython_Modules.bat(refer to


section Enablement Pack Setup Scripts.)

Enablement Pack Setup Scripts

The Scripts entirely drive the Enablement Pack Install process is entirely driven by scripts. The table below table outlines these scripts, their purpose, and if "if Run as Administrator" is required. 


Enablement Pack Setup Scripts

Script Purpose

Run as Admin

Intended Application



Installs or updates source enablement pack in existing RED Metadata Repository for the target database
Installs Python scripts and UI Config Files for browsing files from Windows, Amazon S3, Azure Datalake Storage gen2, Google Cloud Storage


New and Existing installations



Installs or updates WslPython Modules and required Python libraries on this machine
Installs required python Python packages for Amazon S3, Azure Datalake Storage gen2, and Google Cloud Storage mentioned in the Prerequisites section


New and Existing installations

The PowerShell script above provides some help at the command line, this can be output by passing the "-help" parameter to the script.




 Note that on some systems executing Windows PowerShell scripts is disabled by default, see troubleshooting for a workaround

Source Enablement Pack Installation

Installation Script to an existing target database repository
Run Windows Powershell as Administrator 

Code Block
titleInstall Source Connectivity Packs
<Script1 Location > Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Setup_Enablement_Pack.ps1
titleImportant Upgrade Notes

This enablement pack will overwrite any existing Source Enablement Pack UI Configs:

Connection UI ConfigLoad UI Config
Amazon S3Load From Amazon S3

Azure Data Lake  Storage Gen2

Load From Azure Data Lake  Storage Gen2

Google Cloud

Load From Google Cloud


Load From REST API


Load From Salesforce

To ensure existing Source Enablement Pack connections and associated Load Tables continue to browse and load:

Go into UI Configuration Maintenance in RED


before installing this  Enablement Pack and rename the affected UI Configurations. While the updated Load Template will work with previous Source Enablement Pack


we recommend moving these previous versions of Load Tables to newly created Parser-based connections following this install. The earlier versions of the Source Enablement Pack will be deprecated following this release.

File Parser Connection Setup

Post install checks:

  1. File Parser Browse Script - In RED ensure the File Parser Browse Script was installed, under the Host Scripts object tree node check for the object named: 'Browse_File_Parser'                                                                         
  2. UI Configurations - In RED check the Menu: 'Tools->UI Configurations->Maintain UI Configurations' for the appropriate UI Configurations*.


UI Configurations generally come in sets of 2 or 3 for a particular source type, a minimum set will have both a Connection UI Config and a Load UI Config, optionally a Column UI config may also be included.

Amazon S3 Connection Setup

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Azure Data Lake  Storage Gen2 Connection Setup

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REST API Connection Setup

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GET Method (Open API)

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POST Method (With Authentication)

Salesforce Connection Setup

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 Image Removed API Method
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SOQL (Salesforce Object Query) Method


NOTE: For more information on Security Token. Please refer to the official Salesforce documentation here

Google Cloud Connection Setup

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Google Cloud, Install and configure Google Cloud SDK

Cloud Browser

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  1. Select and click Add to copy files to staging area.
  2. Click Back to navigate to previous directory
  3. Click OK to download files for parsing.

Windows Parser Connection Setup

  1. Login to RED
  2. Check Host Script - in the objects list.                                                                                  
  3. Check UI Configurations in Menu, Tools → UI Configurations → Maintain UI Configurations
  4. Create a new connection in RED
  5. Select properties as shown in below  screenshot  

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Browse Parser

Choose parser as per file type
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If the files are of same type and parsing options are same, check highlighted box to save same options.
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Parser for JSON and XML Files

The JSON parser GUI's main pane, The file name is highlighted, and the JSON tree structure is shown below it.
Hovering the cursor over any widget or element in the GUI will display information about that widget or element in the bottom help box.
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Select any node in the JSON tree and press the "Add" button at the bottom to create a new entity. On the right side of the window, a new pane will appear. The name of the new entity will be "Entity 0" by default. If the selected node is a leaf node (key value pair), this new entity will include only its key; if the selected node is an object or array, this new entity will include all of its children. The data type of the node is highlighted in the figure below.
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Select the entity and use the "the Remove" button to remove any specific node. To remove the entire entity object, choose the primary node (for example, Entity_0) and press the "the Remove" button in the same way.Note:

Holding the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard while clicking on different nodes allows the user to select multiple nodes.

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To add a new node from a JSON tree to an entity that has already been created. Select the node in the JSON tree to which the node should be added (Example: Entity_0), select one or more nodes, and click "click Add " to add the selected node to the selected entity.
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To edit the name of Entity, Select the entity and press the "Edit" button to change the name. This will open a window with a text box where you may type in the new name for that object and then click "click Ok."
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In the selected entities pane, nodes in entities with more than 64 characters are colored "red." In WhereScape RED, the names of these "red" colored nodes are trimmed.
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To add a complete file for profiling select the below option from the Tools Menu
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After selecting all the entities and files options,progress of the profiling will appear with the progress bar and can be canceled at any point.
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The working for XML parser is similar to JSON parser explained above.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Run As Administrator

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard and start typing cmd.exe, when the cmd.exe icon shows up in the search list right click it to bring up the context menu, select "Run As Administrator"
Now you have an admin prompt navigate to to the folder where you have unpacked your WhereScape Source Enablement Pack to using the 'cd' command:
C:\Windows\system32> cd <full path to the unpacked folder>
Run Powershell (.ps1) scripts from the administrator prompt by typing the Powershell run script command, for example:
C:\temp\EnablementPack>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install_New_RED_Repository.ps1Notes:

In the event you can not bypass the Powershell execution policy due to group policies you can instead try "-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" which should allow unsigned local scripts.

Windows Powershell Script Execution

On some systems, Windows Powershell script execution is disabled by default. There are a number of several workarounds for this which can be found by searching the term "Powershell Execution Policy".
Here is the most common workaround which that WhereScape suggests, which does not permanently change the execution rights:
Start a Windows CMD prompt as Administrator, change the directory to your script directory, and run the WhereScape Powershell scripts with this command:

  • cmd:>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\<script_file_name.ps1>

Restarting failed scripts

Some of the setup scripts will track each step and output the step number when there is a failure. To restart from the failed step (or to skip the step) provide the parameter "-startAtStep <step number>" to the script.
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\<script_file_name.ps1> -startAtStep 123Tip: to

To avoid having to provide all the parameters again you can copy the full command line with parameters from the first "INFO" message from the beginning of the console output.

Azure-storage module not found error

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Image Removed For  For Error: azure-storage module not found error while browsing Azure Data Lake File Browser Connection. 
Follow the below steps:1)

  1. pip uninstall azure-storage -y


  1. pip uninstall azure-storage-file-datalake -y


  1. pip uninstall azure-common azure-core azure-nspkg -y


  1. pip uninstall azure-storage-blob -y


  1. Run uninstall_WslPython_Modules.bat


  1. Run install_WslPython_Modules.bat


