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The Dashboard tab provides answers to questions like: "Are all my DB2 database partitions up and running?"; "Which database partition is consuming the most resources?"; "Which application is consuming the most resources for the specified database partition and across all database partitions?", “Is "Is the problem related to a slow I/O, a low hit-ratio, a memory shortage, high CPU consumption, or another specific problem?"

The All row in the All DB2 Databases table located in the Main area (left pane) displays the average availability of all database partitions. When you select the All row, a summary of the activities of all the database partitions and a comparison of application identifiers is displayed in the tab views in the Database Details area (right pane).


When an extension for ERP is installed, the Precise for DB2 Collector divides DB2 activities into several groups, called work types.

TechnologyWork type
SAP DialogActivities generated from the SAP Dialog work process.
SAP UpdateActivities generated from the SAP Update work process.
SAP SpoolActivities generated from the SAP Spool work process.
SAP BackgroundActivities generated from the SAP Background work process.

All databases, including those with only one partition, are referred to as database partitions. In the Multipartition column, databases with only one partition will have a value = ‘No’.



How the Dashboard tab is structured

Figure 3- 1 Precise for DB2 Dashboard tab


You can filter the information shown in the Details area so that only the contribution of certain entities is included. See “Filtering data” on page 19 Filtering data.

About the general tab structure

The following table displays information on the general structure of the Dashboard tab.

Table 3- 1 Elements of the Dashboard tab

Time FrameAllows selecting the time frame we want to work with. The time frame influences all counters displayed (e.g., executions, I/O time).
Filter On/OffAllows filtering the displayed information according to user-defined conditions.
Tab headingDisplays All DB2 databases.
Main areaEach row displays a single database or a single database partition. It displays all databases/partitions which belong to the current tab. Also displayed is a summary row (All).
Details area heading

Displays either a database partition and the name of the server it is running on, or all databases running on all servers.


<number> is displayed only if the partition belongs to a multi-partitioned database.

Details areaDisplays graphs and tables describing the row selected in the Main area.
Details area tabsAllows switching between the different views (Overview, Application)

About the Main area in the Dashboard tab


The following table displays information on the different database partitions in the application.

Table 3- 2 Database partitions table

Column nameDescriptionSortable
StatusIcon representing the status of the collector (running, stopped, starting, etc.)No
ServerName of the server on which the database partition is running.Yes
Database partition<instance>.<database>[.number]Yes
In DB2 (summed)Stacked bar of 'In DB2' data with regular 3 display modes. Information limited to time frame.Yes

# of statements executed in time frame.


This value is taken from db-stats information.

Total lock timeTime period this database partition spent in lock wait.Yes
Multi-partitionedIcon representing if this is part of a multi-partitioned installation or not.Yes
Availability% of availability (0-100)Yes
Catalog partitionName of the database partition (see format above) which contains the database catalog. For single partition, this column will be left blank.Yes

When you open the Dashboard tab, only the first six columns are displayed. To view additional columns (such as: Executions and Last Update columns), use the left and right arrows to the right of the column titles.


The following table describes the different elements of the Top consumers table.

Table 3- 3 Top consumers table

Column nameDescriptionSortable

Launch to the activity's statement or object. You will see activity over time. From a statement, launch to the SQL tab. From an Index or Table, Launch to the Activity tab.

Consumer TypeTable, Index or Statement.Yes
TextTable name, index name or statement unformatted text.Yes
In DB2 (summed)In DB2 time consumed by the object during the time period.Yes
%% (0-100) representing the percentage of time (of the total In DB2 time of the database partition) spent on that statement or object.Yes
ExecutionsTotal statement executions within the selected time frame. Available for statements, tables, and indexes.Yes

The Bufferpool activity view


The following table describes the different elements of the Bufferpool activity table.

Table 3-4    Bufferpool 4 Bufferpool activity table



LaunchLaunch to activity's bufferpool. You will be able to see the bufferpool's activity over time.




bufferpool name.


Total I/O



A stacked bar of I/O time break into the following:

  • Synchronic read time


  • A-synchronic read time


  • direct read time


  • Synchronic write time


  • A-synchronic write time


  • direct write time




ratioBufferpool hit ratio.Yes


size (in MB)


Bufferpool size (in MB)


Bufferpool page size.Yes
Response Time (Avg)


Bufferpool’s average response


Logical ReadLogical reads.Yes


Total I/O



Bufferpool’s total I/O count, broken down into the following:

  • Synchronic reads


  • A-synchronic reads


  • direct reads


  • Synchronic writes


  • A-synchronic writes


  • directs writes
Physical ReadsTotal physical reads.Yes
PagesNumber of pages.Yes

Physical Reads    Total physical reads    Yes


The Application tab

The Application tab displays information in three views:■    Programs

  • Programs


  • Modules


  • DB Users

All views share the same columns headings. The following table describes the different elements of these tables.

Table 3-5    Application 5 Application tab tables



ProgramName of the program.


In DB2 (summed)


The In DB2 view displays a stacked bar graph on the In DB2 resource consumption over time, for the selected time frame, broken down into the In DB2 application states.




of time the program took out of the total In DB2 time for the selected database partition.




of program executions.


ApplicationsNumber of applications opened by the program.



If you are working with SAP and ERP support is installed, the Application tab is named SAP instead, and the entities displayed are Work Types, Transactions, and Modules.

Launching from the Dashboard to other tabs

When you open the Dashboard tab and select a row on the Main area (left pane) and then click on another tab, the target tab is opened in the context of the selected database partition.


You can identify a performance problem by doing one or more of the following:■    Identifying




Identifying the most resource-consuming database partition

Precise for DB2 enables you to determine which are the most resource-consuming database partitions, indicating a potential performance problem.


To identify the most resource-consuming database partition1    In

  1. In the Database Partition list, choose the Database Partition you want to analyze.


  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.


  1. In the Database Partition Details area view the In DB2 (Summed) overtime resource consumption graph. You can then launch to the Activity tab to check what the application was doing during the specified time period.


  1. In the Database Partition Details area view the Top Consumers grid to see which were the top statements and objects (tables and indexes) that consumed most of the resources. Then launch in context to the SQL tab to further investigate the heavy statement, or directly launch in context to the Activity tab to see which statements were using the heavy object.


  1. In the Database Partition Details area view the Buffer pool Activity grid to see which buffer pools were most active, and what are the statistics regarding these buffer pools. Then launch in context to the Activity tab to view overtime and extended information on these buffer pools.


  1. Use any of the following options to investigate further:


      • Launch to the Statistics tab for the selected database partition.


      • Launch to the Activity tab to check what the application was doing at the specified time.

    Analyzing top resource-consuming entities

    Precise for DB2 enables you to determine which are the most resource-consuming statements and objects (tables and indexes), as measured by the total time spent executing In DB2, indicating a potential performance problem.


    To identify the top resource consumers (statements and objects)1    In

    1. In the Database Partition list, choose the Database Partition you want to analyze.


    1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.


    1. In the Database Partition Details area view the Top Consumers grid to see which were the top statements and objects (tables and indexes) that consumed most of the resources.


    1. In case of a heavy statement directly launch in context to the SQL tab to further investigate the heavy statement.

    In case of a heavy table or index directly launch in context to the Activity tab to see which statements were using the heavy object.

    Analyzing buffer pools

    Precise for DB2 enables you to determine which are the most activated buffer pools. It also presents additional statistics-related information on each buffer pool, such as hit ratio, average response time etc.

    The following example shows how to identify the top active buffer pools. To identify the top active buffer pools1    In

    1. In the Database Partition list, choose the Database Partition you want to analyze.


    1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.


    1. In the Database Partition Details area view the Buffer pool Activity grid to see which were the most active buffer pools. Examine additional statistics information on the active buffer pool.


    1. In case you are interested in other statistics (e.g. the hit ratio), order the grid according to the required column.


    1. Launch directly to the Activity tab (using the launch icon) to view overtime and additional information on the specified buffer pool. Then drill from there to tablespaces and objects to see which were the most activated tablespaces and objects within the specified buffer pool.

    Identifying the top resource consumers in various entities

    A look at the Applications tab quickly helps you identify the top resource-consuming entities. The following example shows how to identify the top resource-consuming entities.

    To identify the top resource consumers in various entities1    In

    1. In the Database Partition list, choose the Database Partition you want to analyze.


    1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.


    1. In the Database Partition Details area, click Applications. For example, a SAP database, PS8 on hp8, is monitored by a SAP extension.
      The Application tab shows the following SAP-related top entities:


    1. - Background work type


    1. - SAP user SUPER


    1. - Transaction SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP
      Most likely, these entities are related.


    1. To investigate further, click an entity to launch the Activity tab. In the Activity tab you can confirm the connection between the problematic entities. For this example, you can identify a background transaction run by the SAP CCMS administration tool.

    Scroll Ignore


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