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Visualization: Learn how Visual Analytics' intelligent Visualization Menu can suggest and even generate charts for you based on what it detects in the Columns and Rows decks.

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Visual Analytics Studio is divided into the Toolbar (containing the Menu and Toolbar Buttons), the Data Sources (the Data Pane), Decks (where you drag data source Dimensions and Measures to make Data Views) and the Data View. A single Workbook can contain many Worksheets, each with its own tab displayed at the bottom of the workspace. Each Sheet can display a Worksheet or a Dashboard (collection of Data Views from multiple Worksheets). You can resize a Sheet's decks and views by locating their handles and dragging them. You can also rearrange the decks of the Visual Analytics window by dragging their title bars into different locations.

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The following table contains the toolbar icons and their descriptions

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Toolbar ButtonDescription

Undo - Undoes the last action

Redo - Redoes the last Undone action

New - Launches a new Visual Analytics window

Open - Open an existing Visual Analytics Workbook

Save - Save the current Visual Analytics Workbook

Connect to Data - Connect to a new Data Source and manage your currently connected Data Source

Refresh Data and Extracts - Pull in the latest data from your data source to refresh it or refresh your Extract from your Data Source.

Add Worksheet - Add a new blank Worksheet to your Workbook

Add Dashboard - Add a new blank Dashboard to your Workbook

Clear Worksheet - Clear the current Worksheet

Duplicate Sheet - Duplicate the current sheet with all of its Decks, Filters, and settings

Swap Rows and Columns - Swap all items present in the Rows deck with those present in the Columns deck and vice versa

Sort Ascending - Sort data in the ascending order

Sort Descending - Sort data in the descending order

Show Data Labels - Display Data Labels in the chart

Chart Fit Drop Down - Resize charts to display information in Standard, Fit Height, Fit Width, or Entire View mode.


The [File] Menu allows creating a new Workbook, opening an existing Workbook, saving the current Workbook, saving as, exporting as a Packaged Workbook, and closing the current Workbook.

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A list of recently opened workbooks appears underneath the [Export Packaged Workbook] menu item to make finding and opening your previous work easy.

For pulling in and extracting data, the [Data] Menu allows you to connect to data, take action on the data sources you've already established, and refresh all of the extracts for your current Workbook.

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Worksheets are the basis for all of Visual Analytics charts and views. The [Worksheet] Menu allows you to create new Worksheets, copy pivot grid to RTF and HTML formats, export Worksheet to Image, HTML, PDF or Excel, clear Sheets, show/hide Decks and duplicate Worksheet as pivot.

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Dashboards are where you can display multiple worksheets contents at once in on one screen. The [Dashboard] Menu allows you to create new Dashboards, share color or shape legend highlight, export Dashboard to Image, HTML or PDF, clear Dashboards, show a Dashboard title or use filter actions across the worksheets.

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The [Analysis] Menu allows displaying/hiding Row Grand Totals, Column Grand Totals, swapping Rows and Columns, showing Data Labels, showing aggregate measures and trend lines, adding reference line, fixing map location, setting chart legend, filters and parameters properties, and creating calculated field.

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The [Window] Menu allows setting rserve connection and log, swapping focus between the different Workbooks that may be open.

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The Status Bar is at the bottom left of Visual Analytic's frame and displays a [Data] button when the Data Pane has been hidden by after clicking it's maximize/minimize button in the Data Pane title header.

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