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This tab lets you answer the following types of questions: Are all the Concurrent Managers up? ; Is there a backlog of pending requests? ; Which are the slow-running requests? ; How many requests fail?

Information on the Concurrent Managers includes their status, their availability, and the number of requests that are pending, running, or completed. Information on the Requests includes their status, priority, session details, requesting user and historical data on the program executed, and the programs arguments. All the information on the Concurrent Managers and Requests is based on data from the Oracle Applications tables in the Oracle database. To see information on interactive sessions, use the Current or Activity tabs. You can also see the database component of a request's run time performance in the Current or Activity tabs.



The Oracle Applications tab is only available if Interpoint for Oracle Applications has been installed. This is an optional extension to Precise for Oracle. For more information, see the Precise Installation Guideand Administration.

See “Components Components of Precise for Oracle” on page 17, “About Oracle, About the Dashboard tab” on page 43, “About tab, About the Current tab” on page 51tab, and “About About the Activity tab” on page 61tab.

How the Oracle Applications tab is structured


  • Processes Target. The total number of Concurrent Manager processes on a particular day.
  • Processes Target OK and Processes Target Missed. Represent the average number of running processes on that day and whether the target was hit or not.

Viewing information about Requests


You can customize the time frame that is covered by the overtime graphs on the Managers and Requests tabs. See “About About configuring your settings” on page 26settings.

To define the graph settings

  1. On the Precise toolbar, click Settings>General Settings > General Settings.
  2. Specify for how many days you want to view the Concurrent Manager history.
  3. Specify for how many hours you want to view the Concurrent Manager request history.
  4. Click OK.


Ideally, all Concurrent Manager processes should be available to do work.

To determine Concurrent Manager availability


The Oracle Applications tab shows the performance of related requests.

To examine requests

  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.
  2. Open the Oracle Applications tab to view the number of submitted requests.
    In the Main area, for our example, we see that Request 2160224 completed normally. The Details area displays the past performance of related requests.
    The top two pie charts reveal that related requests spent approximately twice as long executing as they did waiting to be executed, regardless of which arguments were passed. The bottom two pie charts show the proportion of successful to unsuccessful executions.
    The program has exited with an error code on 3 occasions, but has always been successful when executed with exactly the same arguments as the selected request. In other words, it has only failed when passing different arguments to the current request
