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Oracle DBA Tools - Session Manager

Provides manageability of database sessions, including user and system locks. Allowing the user to kill/disconnect sessions, start traces and monitor open cursors and user queries with execution plans.
Oracle DBA Tools - Session Manager

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available Operations for Sessions tab
Refresh: Refreshes all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"
Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab
Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab
Disconnect Session: Disconnects the selected session
Kill Session: Allows to kill selected session
Start trace: Starts trace on the selected session
Stop trace: Stops trace on the selected session
Group Sessions: Allows to group running sessions by User, Server, OS User, Program, Status, Type, or Machine, allowing to locate sessions easier
Toggle status color coding: Shows colors to differentiate the status of the sessions
Active: Number of active sessions
Inactive: Number of inactive sessions
Max Sessions: Maximum number of sessions
Max Processes: Maximum number of processes

Available Operations for Sessions Stats tab
Refresh: Refreshes all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"

Available Operations for Locks tab
Refresh: Refreshes all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"

Available Operations for Long Ops tab
Refresh: Refreshes all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"

Sessions Tab - Provides a list of sessions currently held by the Oracle server

Program: Operating System program name
Machine: Operating System machine name
User Name: Oracle username
OS User: Operating System client user name
SID: Session Identifier
AUDSID: Auditing session ID
SPID: Operating System process identifier
Status: Status of the session {ACTIVE, INACTIVE, KILLED, CACHED, SNIPED}
Terminal: Operating System terminal name
Type: Session type
Blocked by: Process ID of blocking process, if any
Blocking: Whether the process is blocking another process
Last Call ET (sec): Shows how long has the session been active in seconds
Sessions Tab - Session Details - Provides detailed information on the currently selected session
Sessions Tab - Current Statement - Provides the current statement for the selected session. Users can also run a visual explain plan on the SQL statement. (Visual Explain must be configured in File->Options:Visual Explain)
Sessions Tab - Open Cursor - Provides a list of open cursors for the currently selected session. Selecting a cursor loads the SQL for that cursor into the right panel where the user can run a Visual Explain on it.

Sessions Tab - Session Long Ops - Provides a list of long operations running for the currently selected session.

Session Stats Tab - Provides a list of sessions currently held by the Oracle server with some statistical information

SID: Session Identifier
AUDSID: Auditing session ID
User Name: Oracle username
OS User: Operating System client user name
Status: Status of the session {ACTIVE, INACTIVE, KILLED, CACHED, SNIPED}
Lock Wait: Address of lock waiting for by this session
Program: Operating System program name
Machine: Operating System machine name
Connect Time: Time of logon
P Program: Program in progress
Physical Reads: Physical reads for this session
Block Gets: Block gets for this session
Consistent Gets: Consistent changes for this session
Block Changes: Block changes for this session
Consistent Changes: Consistent changes for this session
Process: Operating System client process ID
SPID: Operating System process identifier
PID: Oracle process identifier
Serial #: Session serial number. Used to uniquely identify a session’s objects. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session objects, if the session ends and another session begins with the same session ID.
Locks (User) Tab - Provides a list of locks held by users on the server

Session / Lock: Session ID and the locks that are being held or are blocking the session
Session ID: Session Identifier
AUDID: Auditing session ID
User: Oracle username
Lock Type: The type of lock held by the session
Mode Held: Lock mode in which the session holds the lock
Mode Request: Lock mode in which the process requests the lock
Command: Command in progress (last statement parsed)
Object Type: Type of object
Owner: Owner of the object locked
Object Name: Name of the object blocked
Blocking: Indicates if the session is blocking another
OS User: Operating System client user name
Machine Name: Operating System machine name
Locks (System) Tab - Provides a list of system locks on the server

Lock Type: The type of lock held by the session
Mode Held: Lock mode in which the session holds the lock
Mode Requested: Lock mode in which the process requests the lock
Lock ID1: Lock identifier #1
Lock ID2: Lock identifier #2
Long Ops Tab - Provides a list of long operations running on the server

SID: Session Identifier
Completion: Percentage of completion for the operation
Start Time: Date and time the Long Operation started
Time Remaining: Time that remains for the operation to keep on running
Elapsed Seconds: Number of seconds the operation has been running
Message: Summary message
Operation Name: Description of the operation
Target: Object on which the operation is carried out
Target Description: Description of the target
Units of Work Done: Number of units of work done
Total Work: Number of the total units of work
Units: Type of unit of measurement
Last Update Time: Date and time of the last update
Username: Name of operation owner
Serial #: Number of serial
Context: Number of context
SQL Address:
Used with the Hash Value to identify the SQL statement associated with the operation
SQL Hash Value: Used with the SQL Address to identify the SQL statement associated with the operation

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