SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to view a wide range of information collected for your PaaS-monitored instances hosted on Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure (Azure SQL Database, elastic pool, and managed instances).

When monitoring Amazon RDS servers, SQL Diagnostic Manager cannot monitor or alert on SQL Agent jobs.

In addition, SQLDM supports monitoring images with SQL Server installed hosted on virtualized or cloud IaaS environments (Azure virtual machines, Amazon EC2, or Google Compute Engine). Monitoring a virtualized instance requires no cloud-specific configuration

SQL Diagnostic Manager has new DBaaS metrics and alerts, for more information review the Metric Alerts.

For more information on metrics check the Metric Alerts page.  Below, you can find some information about the additional metrics data available for cloud instances. 

For more information on Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure user permission visit the User Creation Scripts page.

  Additional metrics for Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure in SQL Diagnostic Manager

For monitored SQL Server instances hosted on Amazon RDS:

  • CPU Credit Balance High

  • CPU Credit Balance Low

  • CPU Credit Usage

  • Disk Queue Depth

  • Read Latency High

  • Read Latency Low

  • Read Throughput

  • Swap Usage

  • Write Latency High

  • Write Latency Low

  • Write Throughput

For monitored SQL Server instances hosted on Microsoft SQL Azure:

  • Average Data IO Percent High

  • Average Data IO Percent Low

  • Average Log Write Percent High

  • Average Log Write Percent Low

  • Database Average Memory Usage Percent High

  • Database Average Memory Usage Percent Low

  • In-Memory Storage Usage Percent High

  • In-Memory Storage Usage Percent Low

  • Max Session Percent High

  • Max Session Percent Low

  • Max Worker Percent High

  • Max Worker Percent Low

  • Service Tier Changes

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