To create an ODBC Connection:

  1. In WhereScape's  Setup Administrator, click the  Computer Setup  tab and then click  Validate/Add ODBC Source.

2. An entry needs to exist in the ODBC tables for the data warehouse database. This step lists all entries found that use an ODBC driver. If no entry exists for the data warehouse database, then you need to add one.

    • Right-click anywhere in the right pane to bring up the  Launch ODBC Data Source Administrator  menu option.

3. Click the  System DSN  tab to view the system wide ODBC entries.

    • Click the  Add...  button to add a new entry.


ODBC connections must be either User DSN or System DSN. File DSN connections are not supported.

4. From the  Create a New Data Source  screen, select the relevant driver and then click  Finish.

The  ODBC Text Setup  dialog is displayed:

5. Enter the relevant details and click the  OK  button to create a new ODBC data source.

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