
The steps provided here are an indication of the normal process required to install and configure WhereScape RED. In some environments additional processes will be required.

  1. Install Teradata Tools and Utilities 13.10 (or greater) or on a suitable computer. These tools and utility components are required:
    • CLI
    • Teradata ODBC Driver
    • BTEQ
    • Fast Load / Multiload or TPT
    • Fast Export
  2. Install the WhereScape RED software onto your PC. Refer to Installing RED for Teradata for details.
  3. Add your license key. Refer to Adding your License for details.
  4. Check your Windows version. Refer to Checking your Windows Version for details.
  5. Check your ODBC Drivers. Refer to Checking your ODBC Drivers for details.
  6. Designate a database or user that is to be used as the metadata database. For testing or evaluation purposes this database or user may be a Teradata Express database server. WhereScape RED requires the Teradata database version 15.10 or greater as the data warehouse database server. Record the database and server names for this database. Create a database user to hold the metadata tables.
  7. Allocate the privileges required by WhereScape RED. Refer to Creating a Teradata Environment for details.
  8. Add appropriate entries to the hosts file on the computer for the server.
  9. Add a definition of an ODBC data source to connect to the data warehouse database. Refer to  Configuration a Teradata Metadata Connection (DSN) for details.
  10. Create the WhereScape metadata repository under the data warehouse user that you created. Refer to Creating a Metadata Repository for Teradata for details.
  11. Install a Windows Scheduler. Refer to Installing a Windows Scheduler for Teradata for details
  12. Install a Unix Scheduler. Refer to Installing a Unix Scheduler for Teradata for details.
  13. Install a Teradata Unix Loader. Refer to Installing a Teradata Unix Loader for details.
  14. If required, load the WhereScape tutorial tables into a separate database. It is highly recommended that the tutorials be undertaken. Refer to Creating Tutorial Data for details.

Problem Solving

If problems occur in your install that cannot be resolved, proceed as follows when running WhereScape's Setup Administrator utility:

  1. Create a log file by selecting  Tools > Start Logging  from the menu bar. Enter a file name.
  2. Step through at least:
    • Computer Setup > Check Windows version.
    • Computer Setup > Check ODBC driver.
    • Computer Setup > Validate/Add Odbc source.
    • Create/Validate Meta Repository > Validate meta repository.
  3. Select  Tools > Stop Logging  to close off the log.
  4. Edit the log and remove any passwords that appear.
  5. Send your log file to

Installing RED for Teradata

Installation Prerequisites
WhereScape RED requires certain client and server components.
Client Prerequisites

  • Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • 2GB available disk space.
  • ODBC Version 3.0 (normally shipped as part of the Operating System).
  • For building a data warehouse, Teradata Tools and Utilities 15.10 or greater is required.

Server Prerequisites

  • One of the following data warehouse database platforms is required: 15.10, 16.00, 16.10, 16.20.
  • To use the WhereScape RED Scheduler, a UNIX, Linux or Windows based server is also required (this may be the database server). WhereScape RED only supports sh and ksh under UNIX and bash under Linux.
  • When installing a Unix/Linux scheduler, the server will need to have Teradata Tools and Utilities for Linux/UNIX installed and configured as a prerequisite before the scheduler can be installed.

Installation of WhereScape RED
To install WhereScape RED, refer to Installing WhereScape RED for details.

Creating a Teradata Environment

The creation of the Teradata repository and user(s) that are used to administer and maintain the data warehouse must be performed outside of this utility.
The RED repository is recommended to be a Teradata database for a more secure database environment.
WhereScape recommends following Teradata best practices related to ROLEs and PROFILEs but does not mandate they be used.
RED repositories require these permissions for administration:
RED developers do not need TABLE or VIEW permissions to the repository database.RED developers only require INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT on metadata repository views. Please contact WhereScape should you need assistance in configuring a Teradata secure repository environment.
For DBC permissions the following is required:
GRANT SELECT ON DBC.ErrorMsgs; – to log error messages into error logs. This is always accessed through the locking for access modifier. GRANT SELECT ON DBC.TablesV; – to describe Tables in a database within databases the user has permission to.GRANT SELECT ON DBC.ColumnsV; – to describe columns associated with a table within databases the user has permission to.


If your Teradata database's default collation is UNICODE, please ensure that the user must be created with COLLATION = ASCII, DEFAULT CHARACTER SET LATIN;

As an example, for our data warehouse, or decision support system, we will create a user, 'dssdemo'. An example SQL script to create this 'dssdemo' user is shipped and can be found in the WhereScape RED program directory:

  • ..\TeradataRecreate_dssdemo.sql

This script needs to be  modified  to reflect the Teradata environment created at your site.

Note: Timezone Settings

Teradata can generate CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_DATE to reflect the session time and session time zone (as opposed to the current date and time on the Teradata server). This can result in date/time/timestamp comparisons behaving unexpectedly and impact the RED scheduler. A Teradata Customer Service Engineer can configure this using a DBSCONTROL field called TimeDateWZControl. The values for TimeDateWZControl are: 1 (disabled) 2 (enabled with UTC i.e. all datetime data is stored in UTC on disk) 3 (enabled with LOCAL i.e. all datetime data is stored in system LOCAL time on disk) 0 (returns the field to disabled) Please ensure TimeDateWZControl is disabled, if you are not using temporal fields.

Configuring a Teradata Metadata Connection (DSN)

1. To begin adding an ODBC Source from WhereScape's Setup Administrator, refer to Creating an ODBC Connection for details.

In  ODBC Data Source Administrator, click on the  System DSN  tab to view the system wide ODBC entries.

    • Click on the 'Add...' button to add a new entry.

2. Select a  Teradata  driver from the driver list.

3. A pop-up as shown below appears.

    • Enter a  Name  for the Data Source.
    • Next, enter the  Name or IP Address  for the Teradata Server Info.
    • The  Session Character Set  field must be set to  ASCII  - this is the only character-encoding scheme supported for Teradata.


The name entered for the  Teradata Server Name  should appear in the hosts  file on the computer in this form:

(IP address) (Teradata Server Name) (Teradata Server Name)Cop1  

For the example in the ODBC screen shot above for TD_14_00, this entry would present if the server had an IP address of and a name of "TD_14_00": TD_14_00 TD_14_00Cop1  

An alternative approach is to add the same entry to a dynamic name server (DNS).

4. If using the ODBC source for a RED Scheduler, click  Run in Quiet Mode.

    • Click  OK.

5. Click OK again.


If multiple PCs will access the data warehouse, they must all use the same data source name as entered here.

Creating a Metadata Repository for Teradata

1. In  WhereScape's Setup Administrator, click on the  Metadata Repository  tab in the left pane and then click on the  Create Metadata Repository  icon.

This option will create the WhereScape meta tables, sequences and procedures in the specified schema. It checks to ensure that the schema, database or user does not contain an existing metadata repository before starting the metadata install.

2. After clicking on  Create Metadata Repository, enter the  ODBC Connect,  User Name  and  Password or TD Wallet String.

    • Click  OK.

3. When creating a Teradata metadata repository, two additional screens are displayed:

    • First, a dialog is displayed for the Teradata server name (TDPID). Enter the  TDPID.
    • Click  Test and Use.  If you skip the test and provide an invalid or wrong  Teradata TDPID, native loads will not work in WhereScape RED.


The name entered for the Teradata Server Name  should appear in the hosts  file on the computer in this form:
(IP address) (Teradata Server Name) (Teradata Server Name)Cop1

For the example in the ODBC screen shot above for TD_14_00, this entry would present if the server

had an IP address of and a name of "TD_14_00": TD_14_00 TD_14_00Cop1
An alternative approach is to add the same entry to a dynamic name server (DNS).

4. A second additional dialog is displayed for the Metadata Repository database.

    • Enter the name of the user or database in which the metadata repository is being created.
    • Click  OK.

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