The tutorial data component of WhereScape's Setup Administrator attempts to validate, upgrade or perform an initial install of the WhereScape tutorial tables.
The tutorial tables are only required if the tutorial is to be undertaken. They can be ignored if desired. 

  1. Click the Metadata Repository tab in the left pane and then click either:

Creating Tutorial Data

  1. In WhereScape's Setup Administrator, click the Metadata Repository tab and then click Create Tutorial Data.

This option creates or re-creates the WhereScape tutorial tables within the schema (user) or database provided. The normal practice is to locate these tables in a different schema from the data warehouse user for Oracle and in a different database for SQL Server. The data warehouse user will need select access to these tables to perform the tutorial. The tutorial documentation assumes these tutorial tables will be loaded under the user 'wtutorial' for Oracle or in the Tutorial database for SQL Server. Another user or database may be used if desired. The user chosen must have sufficient privileges to allow the creation of the tables.
When this option is selected, an ODBC connection dialog appears and if a valid user is entered the tables will be created and populated under the specified user.Please ensure that no tables that match those shown in the Validate tutorial tables section exist under the specified user. If existing tables are found, a prompt is issued, and if proceed is chosen then all data will be deleted from the tables and the tutorial data loaded.


When creating tutorial tables for Teradata, an additional dialog is displayed for the user or database name that the tutorial data will be created.

  • Enter the name of the user or database in which the tutorial data will be created and click OK.

Validating Tutorial Data

  1. In WhereScape's Setup Administrator, click the Metadata Repository tab and then click Validate Tutorial Data .

The tables are based around a simple sales model and are as follows:
This option validates that the tutorial tables exist in the given schema.




A list of products including a product code (sku), description, group and subgroup.


A description of each product group.


A description of each product sub group.


A description of each product line.


A table containing the codes and descriptions for product groups, sub groups and lines. A code type of 'pg','sg' and 'pl' is used to differentiate the different codes.


A list of customers containing names and addresses.


The lines on a sale. Includes the specific product code, quantities and values.


The header for a sale. Includes the customer code, order data and ship date.


Used to generate a KPI dimension.


Budget data for sales of products to customers.


Demand forecast data for products and customers.

  • No labels