1. To validate a Metadata Repository, click the  Metadata Repository  tab and then click  Validate Metadata Repository.

This option validates the version of the meta tables installed in the specified SQL Server database, Oracle schema, or Teradata Database/User. If requested it goes on to validate the tables, sequences and procedures against the installation media. A validate can be run at any stage to confirm that all tables and procedures are up to date and that the procedures are in a compiled and valid state. This option can be used to recompile a procedure that has become invalid. This option must be used when installing a new version of RED and for SQL Server database to recompile all procedures.
If a mismatch is found or a procedure is found to be invalid, the user is given the option of updating the metadata. If chosen, the metadata will be upgraded to the latest version.


Ensure the scheduler is not running and no users are accessing the metadata before doing an upgrade.

Oracle Invalid Procedures

When validating an Oracle Metadata Repository, ensure that the  Recompile any invalid procedures  option is selected to recompile any invalid user procedures during a metadata validate.

Validating a Metadata Repository using the Command Line

It is possible to Validate the Metadata Repository, using the Command Line by running a batch file.
This process can be used for all metadata database types: it validates the tables and alters or creates/copies any tables that require changes.
All the process steps are logged to a file:  My Documents\WhereScape\WhereScape_quick_validate.log. link
During this process:

  • All Teradata metadata views are recreated
  • Oracle sequences and procedures are validated and updated if required
  • All non-Oracle procedures are recompiled
  • All metadata indexes are recreated
  • Any Oracle non-metadata procedures that are invalid are compiled
  • Finally, the metadata version in ws_meta_tables.mt_version is updated

To have a metadata repository validated from the command line, create a batch file using the following batch application quick validate options and check the example below:
Batch Application Quick Validate options

-SL LoginId 
-SP Password
//SQLServer Dimension filegroup 
//Teradata – not used 
//Oracle Dimension Table Tablespace 
//SQLServer Dimension Index Filegroup 
//Teradata – not used 
//Oracle Dimension Index Tablespace 
//SQLServer Metadata Filegroup 
//Teradata Metadata Repository Database 
//Oracle Metadata Repository Tablespace

The following example validates an Oracle repository named WslWarehouse_ORA, using a connection with username dssdemo and password wsl.
It recreates the Oracle Dimension Index Tablespace, validates the Oracle Metadata Repository Tablespace and validates/updates the Oracle Dimension Table Tablespace, recompiling any procedures that may be invalid, during the validate process.

@echo off
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\wherescape\"
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