
The Languages component of  WhereScape's Setup Administrator  enables you to create a Language file or to load a Language File into RED.

  1. Click on the  Languages  menu item in the command bar at the top of the screen.
    • Click any of the options under this level to action them. The  Languages  menu is as follows:

    • The  Load Languages  - option lists the Language files that have been created. A file can be selected and loaded into the target Metadata Repository. Refer to Loading Languages   for details.
    • The  Create Language File  - option enables you to create a Language file for a particular Metadata Repository. A translator is needed to replace the English definitions in the file with the translations relevant to the chosen language. Refer to Creating a Language File   for details.
    • The  Change Languages Directory  - option enables you to change the language directory. Refer to Changing the Languages Directory   for details.

Loading Languages


Before you install a language, you first need to logon to the repository in RED; go to  Tools/Language Options  and add the language.

1. Click the  Languages  menu at the top of the screen, then choose  Load Languages.

2. The  Load Languages  menu option lists the Language Files available.

    • Right-click a particular file and select  Install Language.

You are then be prompted to logon to the required metadata repository and to select the Language to be updated in RED.
The results are shown in the middle pane.

Creating a Language File

To create a language file:

1. Click the  Languages  menu at the top of the screen.

    • Select the  Create Language File  option.

2. You are prompted to logon to the required metadata repository. Language Files are applied to a specific metadata repository.

    Once logged on, you are prompted for:

    • The  Language  - select from the drop-down list. Select a Language or choose  Original  to create a Language file containing the original values.
    • The  entries to exclude  from the extract.
    • The  file delimiter, translation prefix and translation format.
    • The  file delimiter  provides an easy means of breaking up the file after extract.
    • The  translation prefix  must be something that will NEVER appear in the data itself. This is used to identify the start/end of any given field translation.

A Language extraction file is then created and saved into  C:\ProgramData\RED\Language.
A translator is need to replace the English definitions in the file with the translations relevant to the chosen language.

Changing the Languages Directory

To change the languages directory:

1. Click on the  Languages  menu item in the command bar at the top of the screen and select  Change Languages Directory.

2. Browse and select a new languages directory.

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