WhereScape RED provides command line interface applications that you can use to perform different tasks or execute functions and operations outside the RED GUI.

RED Setup Administrator Command Line (adm.exe)

The RED Setup Administrator command line interface enables you to execute commands to :

  • Quickly deploy a WhereScape RED application to create and populate a data warehouse
  • Quickly create a RED repository with the required metadata tables
  • Quickly load a file that contains language data into RED
  • Quickly validate a RED repository and its metadata tables
  • Quickly connect to a tutorial database to use in RED
  • Install and configure a Windows scheduler for RED
  • Deploy a RED application

The following is a sample Windows Command Prompt that displays the help for RED Setup Administrator (adm.exe) arguments.

RED Setup Administrator Command Line Arguments
The following describe the command line arguments that can be used in RED Setup Administrator (adm.exe).


Argument long name

Argument short name

Display the RED arguments.

Note: No other arguments required.


-h or /h

Quick start

Note: No other arguments required.


-QS or /QS

Quick application

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Quick Application.


-QA or /QA

Quick repository

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Quick Repository.


-QR or /QR

Quick language

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Quick Language.


-QL or /QL

Quick validate

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Quick Validate.


-QV or /QV

Quick tutorial

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Quick Tutorial.


-QT or /QT

Windows scheduler

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Windows Scheduler.


-WS or /WS

Deploy application

Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Deploy Application.


-AL or /AL

Stay openNotes:

  • Use to make Setup Administrator remain open, after the application has been created.
  • Relevant for -AL LOAD option.
  • Relevant for -QA, -QR, -WS, -QL and -QV application switch options.


-SO or /SO



When --quick-start (-QS or /QS) is specified, then no other parameters are required.

The succeeding sections outline how the arguments are used.

Quick Application

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for quick application (--quick-app or -QA):


Argument long name

Argument short name

Instance name

--instance-name <name>

-SS <name> or /SS <name>

New repository name

--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

Database login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

Database password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>

Application ID file name

--app-id-file-name <name>

-AN <file name> or /AN <name>

Application file's directory

--app-dir <path name>

-AD <directory name> or /AD <name>

Application load instance

--app-instance <name>

-LI <name> or /LI <name>

Application trusted flag


-LT or /LT

Application ODBC DSN

--app-meta-dsn <name>

-LD <name> or /LD <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

Application load database

--app-db-name <name>

-LN <name> or /LN <name>

Application job name

--app-job-name <name>

-JN <name> or /JN <name>

Datawarehouse connection name

--dw-con-name <name>

-DC <name> or /DC <name>

MSAS cube connection name

--msas-con-name <name>

-CC <name> or /CC <name>

MSAS cube database name

--msas-db-name <name>

-CD <name> or /CD <name>

Scheduler login name

--sched-login-name <name>

-ML <name> or /ML <name>

Scheduler password

--sched-password <password>

-MP <password> or /MP <password>



Refer to  SQL Server Quick Application  for details.

Quick Repository

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for quick repository (--quick-repo or -QR):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

ODBC login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>


--tdpid <id>

-DI <name> or /DI <name>

Dimension tablespace

--dim-space <name>

-DS <name> or /DS <name>

Index tablespace

--index-space <name>

-IS <name> or /IS <name>

Metadata tablespace

--meta-space <name>

-MS <name> or /MS <name>



Refer to SQL Server Quick Application for details.

Quick Language

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for quick language (--quick-lang or -QL):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

ODBC login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>

Language file

--lang-file-name <name>

-LF <path name> or /LF <path name>

Add language if absent


-Add or /ADD



Refer to Languages for details.

Quick Validate

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for quick validate (--quick-validate or -QV):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

ODBC login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>

Dimension tablespace

--dim-space <name>

-DS <name> or /DS <name>

Index tablespace

--index-space <name>

-IS <name> or /IS <name>

Metadata tablespace

--meta-space <name>

-MS <name> or /MS <name>


Quick Tutorial

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for quick tutorial (--quick-tutorial or -QT):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

ODBC login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>



Refer to Tutorial Data for details.

Deploy Application

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for deploy application (--deploy-app or -AL):


Argument long name

Argument short name

Application ID file name

--app-id-file-name <path name>

-AF <file name> or /AF <name>

Application parameter file name

--app-param-file-name <path name>

-PF <file name> or /PF <name>

Log file name

--log-file-name <path name>

-LF <path name> or /LF <path name>


Windows Scheduler

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for Windows scheduler (--win-scheduler or -WS):


Argument long name

Argument short name

Scheduler name

--sched-name <name>

-ID <name> or /ID <name>


--meta-dsn <name>

-SN <name> or /SN <name>

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-a <32|64> or /a <32|64>

ODBC login name

--meta-user-name <name>

-SL <name> or /SL <name>

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-SP <password> or /SP <password>

Metadata schema/database

--meta-database <name>

-MS <name> or /MS <name>

Service login name

--service-user-name <name>

-LN <name> or /LN <name>

Internal scheduler name

--int-sched-name <name>

-IN <name> or /IN <name>

Log level

--log-level <number>

-LL <number> or /LL <name>

Polling interval

--poll-interval <number>

-PI <number> or /PI <name>

Work directory

--work-dir <path name>

-WD <path name> or /WD <path name>

Log file name

--log-file-name <name>

-WL <path name> or /WL <path name>

TNS name

--tns-name <name>

-TN <name> or /TN <name>

Service password

--service-password <password>

-LP <password> or /LP <password>

Scheduler load typeNotes:

  • If omitted, the scheduler load type defaults to ODBC.
  • The legacy option DL can be used to set only 32 bit OCI load type.

--sched-load-type <ODBC|OracleOCI|OracleOCI64>

-DL or /DL is equivalent to --sched-load-type "OracleOCI"



Refer to Installing a Windows Scheduler for details.

RED Client Command Line (med.exe)

The RED Client command line interface enables you to execute commands to:

  • Generate documentation in batch
  • Create and deploy applications in batch
  • Perform start up tasks for a new metadata repository

The following is a sample Windows Command Prompt that displays the help for RED Client (med.exe) arguments.

RED Client Command Line Arguments
The following describe the command line arguments that can be used in RED Client (med.exe) arguments.


Argument long name

Argument short name

Display the RED arguments.Note: No other arguments required.


-h or /h

Batch documentation create. Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Batch Documentation Creation in the RED User Guide.


-BD or /BD

Batch deployment application create. Note: Must have other arguments, refer to Batch Deployment Application Creation in the RED User Guide.


-BA or /BA

First start with a new repository. Note: Must have other arguments, refer to New Metadata Repository Start up Task Creation in the RED User Guide.


-NEW or /NEW

Group nameNote: All objects included, if group name is not specified.

--group-name <name>

-G or /G

Multiple use: Output directory or Database schema.

--output-dir <path name> or <db_schema>

-D or /D

Number of processes/ hops in the source diagrams.

--num-source-hops <number>

-S or /S

Disable impact analysis


I  or /I-


--meta-dsn <name>

-O or /O

ODBC user name

--meta-user-name <name>

-L or /L

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-A or /A

ODBC username

--meta-user-name <name>

-U or /U

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-P or /P

Connection name

--meta-dsn <name>

-C or /C

Metadata databaseNote: Only used in Teradata

--meta-database <name>

-M or /M

Session user name

--red-user-name <name>

-N or /N

Application ID number

--app-number <name>

-I or /I

Application version number

--app-version <number>

-V or /V

Application ID file name

--app-file-name <path name>

-AF or /AF

Remove connections


-RC or /RC

Remove parameters


-RP or /RP

Remove scheduler jobs


-RJ or /RJ

Group name

--group-name <name>

-AG or /AG

Project name

--project-name <name>

-AP or /AP

All objects


-ALL or /ALL

The succeeding sections outline how the arguments are used.

Batch Documentation Creation

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for creating batch documentation (--create-docs or -BD):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-C or /C

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-A or /A

ODBC user name

--meta-user-name <name>

-U or /U

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-P or /P

Metadata databaseNote: Only used in Teradata

--meta-database <name>

-M or /M

RED user name

--red-user-name <name>

-N or /N

Group nameNote: All objects included if group name is not specified.

--group-name <name>

-G or /G

Output directory

--output-dir <path name>

-D or /D

Number of processes/ hops in the source diagrams

--num-source-hops <number>

-S or /S

Disable impact analysis


I  or /I-



Refer to the Batch Documentation Creation section of the RED User Guide for details.

Batch Deployment Application Creation

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for creating batch deployment application (--create-deploy-app or -BA):


Argument long name

Argument short name

Output directory

--output-dir <path name>

-D or /D


--meta-dsn <name>

-C or /C

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-A or /A

ODBC user name

--meta-user-name <name>

-U or /U

ODBC password

--meta-password <password>

-P or /P

Metadata databaseNote: Only used in Teradata

--meta-database <name>

-M or /M

RED user name

--red-user-name <name>

-N or /N

Application ID number

--app-number <name>

-I or /I

Application version number

--app-version <number>

-V or /V

Application ID file name(e.g. app_id_xxx.wst)

--app-file-name <path name>

-AF or /AF

Remove connections


-RC or /RC

Remove parameters


-RP or /RP

Remove scheduler jobs


-RJ or /RJ

Group name

--group-name <name>

-AG or /AG

Project name

--project-name <name>

-AP or /AP

All objects


-ALL or /ALL


New Metadata Repository Start up Task Creation

The following describe the relevant command line arguments for creating start up tasks for a new metadata repository (--new-meta-repo or -NEW):


Argument long name

Argument short name


--meta-dsn <name>

-O or /O

ODBC DSN architecture

--meta-dsn-arch <32|64>

-A or /A

ODBC user name

--meta-user-name <name>

-L or /L

Metadata database

--meta-database <name>

-D or /D

  • No labels