This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Source Mappings options.

Similar to table objects created in RED, a prefix and/or a suffix string can also be applied to source mapping child objects.

From the example screen above, if a source table was dragged into a table drop target called  stage_customer (with a full table name of 'customer') then the default name for the first source mapping object created would be src_stage_customer_1.
The same applies for the second source mapping object created—the object would be named src_stage_customer_2.
The object name defaults shown above are the values that are installed with the base metadata.

They can be changed at any stage; however, the change does not affect any existing objects. Therefore, if a new naming regime is chosen, any existing objects has to be renamed through the Properties screen of the object.
Source mappings don't result in the creation of tables, so the length of their name is not constrained by the table object name length limited applied by Oracle and IBM DB2 (30 characters). However, the source mapping name is used as the basis for the default procedure name and procedure names do have a 30 character length limited in these two database technologies.

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