This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Indexes options.

Whenever a new procedure is defined, WhereScape RED builds or rebuilds a standard set of indexes for the table. These indexes are created using the standard defined. As with the key naming, we can set either a pre-fix or a suffix value, or in fact both, as well as choosing the use of either the table name or the short name associated with the table.

In addition to the naming specifications above, WhereScape RED adds up to a further 3 characters to the end of the index name. These additional values will be "_0" through "_99", or "_A" through "_Z", or "_SC". 
When a new index is manually added it will have the additional value of "_x" by default. This should be changed. The WhereScape RED naming standard for indexes is described below, but any valid name may be used.
From the example screen above, a fact table would have indexes generated using the short name and with a suffix of "_idx". Therefore, a fact_sales fact table would have indexes, such as fact_sales_idx_x. 

Ultimate suffix



artificial key

_1 thru _99

bitmap key index on dimensional join.


primary business key

_B thru _Z

secondary business keys


key to support slowly changing dimensions.

  • No labels