The default naming conventions for generated procedures can be set through the Tools > Options menu.
To generate a procedure, select the (Build Procedure...) option from the Update Procedure drop-down list in the table's Properties screen.

Procedure name defaults

The screen shown below is displayed in response to the procedure name defaults menu option. It provides a means of setting the naming defaults for all types of generated procedure. 
The values as shown below are the default settings, but may be changed to meet the site requirements. The only restriction is on the size of the resultant name, which is database dependent.

The contents of the prefix and suffix fields must contain characters that are valid in a database stored procedure name and should preferably not contain spaces.
The Name Type may be either the full table name or the unique short name assigned to each table. In the case of smaller table names, the short name is usually the same as the table name.
For example, if we have a dimension called dim_product, then from the example screen above the three possible generated procedures would be called update_dim_product, custom_dim_product and get_dim_product_key.

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