This option enables you to set the DSS Columns.


Set the DSS Columns.




Column added to all Stage, ODS, EDW 3NF, Dimension, Fact and Aggregate tables for information purposes only. Leave the field blank to deactivate or add a name for the dss_create_time column, default is dss_create_time.


Column added to all dimension, stage and fact tables. It is required if the generated code for fact and aggregate tables is to be used.


Column used for slowly changing dimensions. It is used to identify when a dimension row was replaced. This is a required field.


Column used for slowly changing dimensions. It is used to identify when a dimension row was replaced. This is a required field.


Column used for slowly changing dimensions. Is it used to store the version of a dimension row. This is required for unique constraints.


Column used for slowly changing dimensions. It is used to identify the current dimension row. This is a required field.


Column added to fact tables to provide a simple row counter. This is required but can be deleted after generation. Leave the field blank to deactivate.


Column used to identify the differences in the descriptive columns of a Satellite table which is used for generating the change hash key for a Satellite object.  Refer to Creating Data Vault Stage Tables for details.


Column used to store the date when the value in this row was loaded into the metadata repository.  This column and the dss_record_source column below is added to new Load tables that have the option Add meta data columns to table selected. Refer to Data Vaults for details.


Column used to store a descriptive term to identify the source of this record.  This column and the dss_load_date column above is added to new load tables that have the option Add meta data columns to table selected. Refer to Data Vaults for details. 


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