
This option enables you to set the Look and Feel  in  General.




Reset Look And Feel

Enables you to reset all window tab positions for Builder and Scheduler panes. Resets scheduler and report headings.

Maximize WhereScape RED on Startup

Select the check box to start WhereScape RED in full screen mode.

Show Dimension Views as a Separate Object Type

Select the check box to display a new object group called Dimension Views where all view objects are stored.  This option is selected by default.

Show Window Tabs At Top

Select the check box to display window tabs at the top of the screen.

Scheduler Results in Color

Select the check box to turn on job status color coding in the scheduler. This option is selected by default.

Maximum rows returned for Display Data

This option sets the maximum number of rows that are returned when displaying data.  This is set to 1000 by default.

Update Column then Previous/Next Wraps to End/Start

Select the check box to control the behavior of the directional  Update  buttons on the Column Properties window. When enabled, the  < Update  button will wrap to the last column when it moves beyond the first column; and the  Update >  button will wrap to the first column when it moves beyond the last column. When deactivated (default), the window closes after an attempt to navigate before the first column or after the last column.




Show Grid Lines in the Middle Pane

Select the check box to display grid lines in the main work area.

Show Grid Lines in the Results Pane

Select the check box to display grid lines in the results area.

Show Grid Lines in the Reports Pane

Select the check ox to display grid lines in the reports area.

Object Lists



List Projects for Object list

Select the check box to display the projects for each object in the middle pane object list.

List Storage for Object list

Select the check box to display the storage for each object in the middle pane object list.

Tree Item Padding

Select the check box to select the number of pixels used to pad tree items when the tree items represent an Object, for example, in the Object Pane and the Browser Pane. Padding is added to the top and bottom of each tree item. Padding can be set from 0-10 pixels. Default value is 2.


 List Storage for Object list   and   Tree Item Padding   options impact on the speed lists are generated. Since they are enabled by default, both options can be deactivated to speed up the process or if considered irrelevant according to user preferences.

Code Editor

This option enables you to set the  Look and Feel  in  Code Editor.



Show Code as Word Wrapped

Enables you to have word wrapping applied to code by default.

Code Editor Font

Enables you to select the font used in the code editors.

Code Editor Background Color

Enables you to select the background color when editing code.

Code View Background Color

Enables you to select the background color when viewing code.

Procedure Indent Size

Enables you to specify the number of spaces that are generated when a TAB character is used within the Procedure editor. Permitted range is 2 through 10.

Script Indent Size

Enables you to specify the number of spaces that are generated when a TAB character is used within the Script editor. Permitted range is 2 through 10.

Template Indent Size

Enables you to specify the number of spaces that are generated when a TAB character is used within the Template editor. Permitted range is 2 through 10.

Confirmation Prompts

This option enables you to set the  Look and Feel  in  Confirmation Prompts.



Prompt to Regenerate Indexes when Rebuild Procedures

When selected, always prompts for index regeneration whenever an update procedure is rebuilt.

Prompt when Truncate Table via Context Menu

When selected, always pops up a confirmation message before the truncate command is executed.


This option enables you to set the  Look and Feel  in the  Diagrams.



Diagram Column Details

Select the checkbox to display the columns as the initial diagram.

Tracking Report Indentation

Select the checkbox to include tabs in the output to show dependency level.

Property Grids

This option enables you to set the  Look and Feel  in  Property Grids.



Show Property Grid Item Description

Select to display the property grid item description. The check box is selected by default.

Show Property Grid Toolbar

Select to display the property grid toolbar. The check box is selected by default.

Show Property Grid Inplace Buttons

Select to display property grid buttons for all items. The check box is selected by default.

Default Property Grid Sort Order

Enables you to select the default property grid sort order for items. The options are:

  • Categorized (default)
  • Alphabetical
  • No Sort

Display Property Grid Boolean as

Enables you to select how Boolean items are to be displayed. The options are:

  • Text (default)
  • Check box

Text for Boolean True

Enables you to enter the text for the Boolean value False.

Highlight Property Grid Changes

Enables you to highlight changed items in the property grid. The default is True.

Minimum displayed lines for Multiple-Line items

Sets the minimum display lines for multi-line inputs.

Maximum displayed lines for Multiple-Line items

Sets the maximum display lines for multi-line inputs.

  • No labels