This option enables you to set the Local Paths for documentation, backup and restore and for versioning to disk.

Documentation Path

Set the Local Documentation Directory.



Local Documentation Directory

Sets the Local Documentation Directory

Backup And Restore



Backup Executable

Sets the override for backup executable. By default WhereScape RED tries to find the path of the backup executable. This is bcp.exe for SQL Server, exp.exe for Oracle and db2cmd.exe for IBM DB2. This edit box provides the ability to specify the exact location and name of the executable. This is useful when WhereScape RED cannot find the program or if there are multiple versions of the program on the PC.

Restore Executable

Sets the override for restore executable. By default, WhereScape RED tries to find the path of the restore executable. This is bcp.exe for SQL Server, imp.exe for Oracle and db2cmd.exe for IBM DB2. This edit box provides the ability to specify the exact location and name of the executable. This is useful when WhereScape RED cannot find the program or if there are multiple versions of the program on the PC.

Version to Disk



Versions to Disk options

Sets the locations and names. If any of the three version to disk paths are set, WhereScape RED automatically creates ASCII files containing the applicable DDL or code, each time an automated version occurs in the entered directory.

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