Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+ - OLAP Cubes

A Connection to an Analysis Services server provides the location for cubes defined in the metadata repository. This connection is used in the creation and processing of cubes.
A  sample screen is shown below:




Connection Name

Enter a name to identify the connection to the Analysis Services server.

Connection Type

Indicates the connection source type or method. Select Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+.

Server Mode

The operational mode that Microsoft Analysis Services will use. Select Multidimensional from the drop-down list.

SSAS Client Version

Microsoft Analysis Services Client version available for connecting to the SSAS database. It is recommended that the client version matches your database version.

  • If a 'Fail - missing AMO data provider' message is displayed in the Results pane when attempting to execute the OLAP action, check that the correct SSAS client version is specified and that the respective version of the data provider is installed on the client workstation.


If you have SSAS client version 2008 installed on your computer, WhereScape recommends selecting 2012 for the SSAS client version.

If the required SQL Server Analysis Management Objects (AMO) are missing, refer to for details.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)



Analysis Services Server Name

Enter the name of the Analysis Services server you wish to connect to.




Analysis Services (SSAS) User ID and Password

User Name to connect to Analysis Services with when using SQL Server Authentication. Can be left blank for a trusted connection using Windows Authentication.

Analysis Services (SSAS) User ID and Password

Password to connect to Analysis Services with when using SQL Server Authentication. Can be left blank for a trusted connection using Windows Authentication.

Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+ - Tabular Mode

A Connection to an Analysis Services server in Tabular Mode provides the location for Tabular cubes defined in the metadata repository. This connection is used in the creation and processing of Tabular cubes.


Relationships must be created manually for tables stored on a Tabular target, for more information refer to Relationship Maintenance for details.


A sample screen is shown below:




Connection Name

Enter a name to identify the connection to the Analysis Services server.

Connection Type

Indicates the connection source type or method. Select Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+.

Server Mode

The operational mode that Microsoft Analysis Services will use. Select Tabular from the drop-down list.

SSAS Client Version

Microsoft Analysis Services Client version available for connecting to the SSAS database. It is recommended that the client version matches your database version. If the required SQL Server Analysis Management Objects (AMO) are missing, refer to for details.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)



Analysis Services Server Name

Enter the name of the Analysis Services server you wish to connect to.

  • You may need to specify the port number of the Analysis Services instance. To find your port number, follow the procedure documented in this Microsoft article:
  • An example of your Analysis Server (SSAS) Server Name using the port number in RED would be: VH1D-REDSQL:49449\TABULAR.




Analysis Services (SSAS) User ID and Password

User Name to connect to Analysis Services with when using SQL Server Authentication. Can be left blank for a trusted connection using Windows Authentication.

Analysis Services (SSAS) User ID and Password

Password to connect to Analysis Services with when using SQL Server Authentication. Can be left blank for a trusted connection using Windows Authentication.

Target Table Location


To use the Tabular Mode functionality, targets must be created in the Tabular connection.

Add new Target Location

Click the Target Settings tab to specify the name of the database associated with the targets to be used with this connection. To use the Tabular Mode functionality, it is required to create targets in the Tabular connection.

  • The Target Name is the relevant Tabular Database's name displayed in RED.
  • The Target Database is the relevant Tabular Database's name displayed in Analysis Services.


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