The fields in the Database Link Load Source Screen are described below:



Load Type

Method of loading data into the table. The available options are dependent on the Source Connection. Defaults to the Default Load Type of the Source Connection. Can be specified via the table Properties window.

Source Connection

The connection that identifies the source database. Can be specified via the table Properties window.




Select Distinct Values

Include the DISTINCT keyword in the SQL SELECT statement.

Source Schema

Schema within the source database where the source table resides.

Derive Source Tables(s) and Source Columns

Derive the Source Table(s) and Source Column(s) properties (of this screen) from the source details of this table's columns.


The existing property values will be overwritten.

Source Table(s)

Name of the table(s) where the data is sourced.

Override Source Column/Transformations

Ignore the source and transformation details of this table's columns and instead use the override details specified below. Refer to the section on Load Table Transformations below for details.

Allow Missing Source Columns

Oracle Only – Enables the load to proceed, even if one or more of the source columns does not exist. (refer to handling missing source columns for details).

Exit Status when Missing Source Columns

Load exit status when source columns are missing. Only enabled when Allow Missing Source Columns is set.

Where and Group By Clauses

Optional SQL SELECT WHERE-clause and/or GROUP BY-clause. Parameter names can be specified using $Pparameter_name$ (with leading $P and trailing $), which are replaced at run-time by the parameter's value.


This is where you can build a statement to handle change data.

Parameter values can be in-line replaced and included in the 'Where' clause. Prefix the parameter name with a '$P' and add a trailing '$'. For example, if we have a parameter called SALES_LOCATION_CODE we could construct a statement, such as WHERE location_code = '$PSALES_LOCATION_CODE$' AND region_code = 'NY'. When this statement is executed, the value of the parameter will replace the parameter name.

For example, if the parameter was set to 'New York' then the statement would execute as: WHERE location_code = 'New York' AND region_code = 'NY'.
Clicking the SQL button opens the Where and Group By Clauses editor which provides control settings to assist you in constructing the SQL statement.

Override Load SQL

Optional SQL statement to load data into the table, which overrides all other properties. The specified SQL will be executed instead of generated SQL. For a linked database specify a complete INSERT statement. For an ODBC source, specify only the SELECT statement.

SQL Insert Hint

SQL Server Only - Optional hint to include in the SQL insert statement.

DB2 Load Logging

Controls the level of logging during the load (Minimal Logging or Recoverable Load). The default is to reduce logging, which does NOT provide for full recovery.

DB2 Load Modifier

Optional Modifiers for the Load utility.

Source View Name

Oracle only option: Name of the database view to be created by WhereScape RED (if necessary) in the source system that will be used to select the source data. Refer to Remote View Extract for details.

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