A cube can contain multiple measure groups. In WhereScape RED each measure group can belong to a single cube, and each measure group relates to a single star schema. The Measure Groups Cube processing is defined in the tab entitled Measure Group Properties.
The Measure Group Properties are shown by right clicking the Measure Group and choosing Properties. The Measure Group Properties associated with cubes are described below.



Measure Group Name

Specifies the name of the Measure Group in Analysis Services

Measure Group Description

Specifies the Metadata description of the Measure Group. This description is stored in Analysis Services and is also used in the WhereScape RED auto-generated documentation.

Update Buttons

The Update Buttons: Update <- and Update -> are used to move from the current Measure Group to the previous and next Measure Group respectively for the current OLAP cube. The alternative is to exit the Measure Group and choose the next Measure Group Properties screen.

Source Table Type

Specifies the type of table from which the Measure Group has been built in WhereScape RED.

Source Table

Specifies the table from which the Measure Group has been built and populated in WhereScape RED.

Estimated Rows

Specifies the estimated number of rows in the source table. If it is unknown, then leave this value as 0.

Storage Mode

This field provides two options: MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP) or ROLAP (Relational OLAP). The default value is inherited from the value set at the Cube level. Again, setting this field at the Measure Group level determines the default for the Storage Mode field on the related Partitions.

Ignore Unrelated Dimensions

Indicates whether dimensions that are unrelated to the Measure Group are forced to their top level when their members are included in a query.

Measure Group Type

Specifies the type of information the Measure Group contains. In some cases, this enables specific treatment by the server and client applications.

Processing Mode

Indicates whether processed data is available after all the aggregations have been computed (Regular) or immediately after the data has been loaded (Lazy Aggregations).

Processing Priority

Specifies the priority for processing the measure group.

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