Measure group dimensions are the relationships between cube Measure Groups and OLAP Dimensions. In WhereScape RED this equates to the relationships between Fact tables and Dimensions in the underlying star schema.
The Properties are shown below:



Internal Dimension Name

A Read-Only field displaying the name of the OLAP Dimension in WhereScape RED.

OLAP Dimension Name

A Read-Only field displaying the name of the OLAP Dimension as a Dimension in Analysis Services.

Cube Dimension Name

A Read-Only field displaying the name of the Dimension when associated with a cube (this can be different from the OLAP Dimension Name).

Update Buttons

The Update Buttons: Update <- and Update -> are used to move from the current OLAP Measure Group Dimension to the previous and next OLAP Measure Group Dimension respectively for the current OLAP Cube. The alternative is to exit the OLAP Measure Group Dimension and choose the next OLAP Measure Group Dimension Properties screen.

Dimension Description

A description of the dimension when it is associated with the cube.

Order Number

The order number.

Update Dimension with Cube

A Read-Only check box showing whether the dimension is processed when the cube is processed.


A Read-Only field displaying the visibility of the dimension on the cube.

All Member Aggregation Usage

A Read-Only field displaying how aggregations will be designed by the BIDS Storage Design Wizard if it is used to design cube aggregations.

Hierarchy Unique Name Style

A Read-Only field which indicates whether the dimension name will be included in the name of the hierarchies.

Member Unique Name Style

A Read-Only field which indicates how member unique names will be formed. A read only field.

Measure Group

A Read-Only field displaying the Measure Group which is being referenced by the Measure Group Dimension relationship.

Measure Group Column

Specifies which fact table key joins to the dimension key.

Relationship Type

Defines the relationship type for the relationship between the Dimension and Measure Group. In WhereScape RED, this option can be Regular, which means that the relationship is based on a dimension key join, or No Relationship between the Measure Group and Dimension.


Indicates whether the measure group has a many to one or one to one relationship with the dimension.

Source Table Type

A Read-Only field that displays the type of table from which the OLAP Dimension was created.

Source Table

A Read-Only field that displays the name of the table from which the OLAP Dimension was created.

Source Table Key

A Read-Only field that displays the key (typically the primary key) that relates the dimension to the fact in the underlying star schema.

Processing Mode

A Read-Only field that indicates whether processed data is available after all aggregations have been computed or immediately after the data has been loaded.

All Caption

A Read-Only field that displays the name of the (All) member. This applies to all hierarchies in the dimension that have an (All) member.

OLAP Dimension Type

A Read-Only field that displays the type of information contained by the dimension.

Unknown Member Action

A Read-Only field that displays the existence of an Unknown member and whether that member is visible or hidden.

Unknown Member Name

A Read-Only field that displays the caption for the unknown member.

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