Attribute relationships define functional dependencies between attributes. If attribute A has a related attribute B in a hierarchical relationship, then an attribute relationship can be defined that assists Analysis Services to aggregate data.


Attribute relationships require unique members in order to function correctly—if there are duplicate values participating in an attribute relationship then cube data can be incorrectly aggregated and displayed.

To view the Properties of an attribute relationship right-click an Attribute Relationship and then select Properties to show the window below:



Dimension Name

A read only field indicating the dimension associated with the attribute relationship.


Specifies the attribute on which the attribute relationship is based.

Relationship Name

Specifies the name of the attribute relationship.

Related Attribute

Specifies the name of the related attribute.

Relationship Type

Indicates whether the relationship between attributes can change over time.


Indicates if the related attribute has a many to one or a one-to-one relationship with this attribute.


Indicates whether the attribute relationship is visible to the client applications.

To View Attribute Relationships

To view the list of Attribute Relationships, right-click the OLAP Dimension in the left pane and then select Display Attribute Relationships.

To Add an Attribute Relationship

  1. Attribute relationships are defined automatically when a User Defined hierarchy is inherited from an underlying relational dimension.
  2. To add an Attribute Relationship, right-click the OLAP Dimension in the left pane and then select Add Attribute Relationship. Fill out the dialog box with the relevant details.

To Delete an Attribute Relationship

Display the Attribute Relationships in the middle pane, right-click the Attribute Relationship and then select Delete.

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