1. To use the MSAS Tabular mode functionality in RED, start by following your SQL Server setup's Installation to "New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation" option to ensure that your Analysis Server Configuration has been installed for Tabular Mode.
  2. In RED, create a new Tabular Connection.
    • Give your connection a relevant name for your system. In this example, we have named the connection "Tabular"
    • Click Add.
  3. Select "Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+" for your Connection Type.
    • Select "Tabular" for your Server Mode.
    • Select the SSAS Client Version to connect for your SSAS database.


      It is recommended that the client version matches the database version.
    • For the Analysis Services (SSAS) Server Name, Type in the same server name used when installing Microsoft Server Analysis Services in Tabular Mode


    If the required SQL Server Analysis Management Objects (AMO) are missing, see the following article for more information:    https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn141152.aspx   .
    You may need to specify the port number of the Analysis Services instance. To find your port number, follow the procedure documented in this Microsoft article:    https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2466860. An example of your Analysis Server (SSAS) Server Name using the port number in RED would be: VH1D-REDSQL:49449\TABULAR

  4. Create your Tabular targets by clicking the Add button and entering a name for the Target and the Target Database.
    • The Target Name is the relevant Tabular Database's name displayed in RED.
    • The Target Database is the relevant Tabular Database's name displayed in Analysis Services.
  5. For the ease of exploring the new Tabular functionality in RED and differentiate it from the existent database tables, we have created another Project and named it "Tabular".
    To show unused object types in the browser pane enable Project Properties/Unused Object Types in Object Browser.
  6. Double click your Datawarehouse connection and ensure you have set your MSAS Connection String and other relevant Analysis Server required fields.


    If you have already set the MSAS Connection String for use with Multidimensional (OLAP) Cubes, you should not need to change it. For more information about setting up this connection string, refer to Defining the Data Source for OLAP Cube for details.

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