1. Browse your Data Warehouse connection.
  2. Within your Tabular Project, click the Fact Table object group on the left pane to set your work pane to be your Fact Tables.
  3. From the right pane, drag a Fact Table into the middle pane, rename it with a tabular or relevant reference and select the Tabular target you want to place the table in.
    We have renamed this table to "fact_order_detail_tabular" and selected the "Tabular_Demo_Fact target" to place it in.
  4. Click OK in the Fact Table's Properties screen.
  5. Right click on the table fact_order_detail_tabular from the left pane and select Create(Recreate).
  6. After the table has been recreated, right click again and select Update to update the table.
  7. Browse your Data Warehouse connection again, set your work pane to be Dimension tables and drag your Customer Dimension from the right pane into the middle pane Dimension group.
  8. Change the Object Type from Dimension View to Dimension and give the table a relevant name.
    Select a tabular target location to place the table.
  9. Click OK in the Properties screen.
  10. Right click the dim_customer_tabular table from the left pane and select Create(Recreate).
  11. After the table has been recreated, right-click again and select Update to update the table.
  12. Repeat steps 7 to 11 for all other dimension tables joined to your tabular fact table.
  13. Right-click the fact_order_detail_tabular and select Query Via Excel to view the table in Excel.


RED operations such as Validate Against Database, Generate Statistics, Table Row Count and Regenerate Indexes are currently not supported with Tabular mode.


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