1. Create the RED host script in 3D. Use Ctrl-C to copy the script.
  2. In RED, create a host script by right-clicking on the Host Script object group and choosing New Object.
  3. Enter a name for the host script and click ADD.
  4. Set the default connection to Windows and click OK.
  5. Double-click the 3d host script in the left pane.
  6. Now paste the script from 3D and click Save; then close the host script window.
  7. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and right-click on the relevant service name. Choose Properties and then the Log On tab. Change the scheduler to run as the current user. Click Apply and then OK.
  8. Stop and start the scheduler and then close the Services window.
    Click Scheduler Maintenance in WhereScape Administrator; right-click the scheduler and choose Configure.
  9. Set the Service logged on under User field to the current user. Click OK and close WhereScape Administrator.
  10. In RED, click the Scheduler tab and create a new job. Click OK.
  11. Select the host script to be run and click OK.
  12. Run the job.
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