A source tracking diagram can be displayed for any table. It shows connections back from the chosen table to the source tables from which information was derived. Hovering the cursor over a line shows additional information. For lines going into Load tables, the source of the data is displayed; while for other lines in the diagram, the procedure used to move data between two tables is displayed. 
An example of a Source diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.

An example of a Source diagram in Detail Diagram format is displayed below.

The Source diagrams are produced in Standard Diagram format as part of the technical documentation, when you select Doc > Create Documentation from the main Builder window.

Creating a Job from a Source Diagram

Once a source tracking diagram has been created for a table, a scheduler job can be generated from the diagram. This job will be called Process_to_table_name, where table_name is the name of the table the track back diagram was run for.
To create a Job, select Create Job from the Tools menu after the diagram is displayed:

The Job Definition is then displayed:

Make any changes here that are required and click OK.
For the diagram above, a job is created with the following tasks:


It is also possible to display the source diagram by right-clicking a table and choosing Impact >Track Back Diagram:

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