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Adding users after creation

Setting Up Azkaban Users

If you require additional users for the Azkaban dashboard or API, other than the default users, you can add them following this process:

Create Azkaban accounts by editing the azkaban-users.xml file in the Web Server install directory, any changes to the settings in this file will not take effect until the Azkaban Web Server is restarted.


For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  <role name="admin" permissions="ADMIN"/>
  <role name="read" permissions="READ"/>
  <role name="executor" permissions="EXECUTE"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin"/>
  <user username="readonly" password="readonly" roles="read"/>
  <user username="executor" password="executor" roles="executor,read"/>

The possible role permissions are the following:

ADMINGrants all access to everything in Azkaban.
READGives users read-only access to every project and their logs
WRITEAllows users to upload files, change job properties, or remove any project
EXECUTEAllows users to trigger the execution of any flow
SCHEDULEUsers can add or remove schedules for any flows
CREATEPROJECTSAllows users to create new projects if project creation is locked down
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