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Saved profiling session data is stored in either an SQL Project or in a Profiling Repository on an Oracle data source. You can find profiling sessions saved as .oar files in the SQL Project Explorer. You can find profiling sessions saved to a profiling repository in the Data Source Explorer, either in the Profiling Repository node of the data source or in the Profiling Repositories.

To view a saved profiling session, locate it in either the SQL Project Explorer or in the Data Source Explorer and double-click the icon to open it in the Profiling Session window.

Filtering Results

You can display filtered subsets of the original profiling results set for each section of profiling based on DBMS platform type:

  • IBM DB/2 for Windows, UNIX, and Linux: Application, Creator ID, Cursor Name, Package Name, Statement Type, and User Name.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Application, Command, Database, Hostname, NT domain, Net Address, and User Name.
  • Oracle: Processes (Background or User), Action, Application, Hostname, Module, Schema Name, and User Name. When profiling a RAC, there is also an instance filter that appears to let you limit the profiling results shown to a specific instance.
  • Sybase: Application, Database, Host, IP Address, KPSID, SPID, and User Name.

You filter results using the filter controls in the upper, right-hand part of the profiling editor.

To filter profile editor results

  1. Use the Filter by menu to select a filter type. The second menu becomes active based on your selection in the first menu.
  2. Use the second menu to specify a value.
  3. Click Refresh [] to update the profiling details.
    The profiling editor is updated to show only results associated with your choice.

Select -None- from the Filter by list to restore the unfiltered results.

Analyze the Load Chart

The Load Chart is located on the top section of the Profile Session editor and provides a display of the overall load on the system. The bars represent individual aspects of the enterprise, and the view is used to discover bottlenecks.

The most important part of the previous screenshot is the Average Active Sessions (AAS) graph. AAS shows the performance of the database measured in the single powerful unified metric AAS. AAS easily and quickly shows any performance bottlenecks on the database when compared to the Max Engines (for Sybase) or Max CPU (for Oracle) line. The Max Engines line is a yardstick for performance on the database. When AAS is larger than the Max CPU line, there is a bottleneck on the database. Bottleneck identification is that easy.

AAS or the average number or sessions active, shows how many sessions are active on average (over a 5 second range in SQL Query Tuner) and what the breakdown of their activity was. If all the users were running on CPU then the AAS bar is all green. If some users were running on CPU and some were doing I/O, represented by blue, then the AAS bar will be partly green and partly blue.

The line Max Engines or Max CPU represents the number of CPU processors on the machine. If we have one CPU/Engine then only one user can be running on the CPU/Engine at a time. If we have two CPUs/Engines then only two users can be on CPU at any instant in time. Of course users can go on and off the CPU/Engine extremely rapidly. When we talk about sessions on the Engines we are talking about the average number of sessions on CPU/Engine. A load of one session on the Engine thus would be an average which could represent one uses who is consistently on the CPU/Engine or many users who are on the CPU for short time slices. When the number of Engines becomes a resource bottleneck on the database we will the average active sessions in CPU/Engine state go over the Max Engine/Max CPU line. The number of sessions above the Max Engine line is the average number of sessions waiting for CPU/Engine.

The Max CPU is a yardstick for performance on the database. The number of CPUs or Engine on the data source is information SQL Query Tuner obtains during the profiling process. However, sometimes the number of CPUs or Engines is not reported. In these cases, it might be desirable to change the default number of CPUs/Engines from one to a number more closely matching the actual system running the data source. You might also want to change the Max CPU/Engine line to reflect the performance impact of adding or removing a CPU or Engine from the system.

To change the Max CPU or Max Engine count in the Load Graph

  1. From the Profile Session window, right-click anywhere on the AAS graph and select Edit Engine Count or Edit CPU Count.
  2. In the EngineCount dialog that appears select Useacustomvalue, enter a new value, and then click OK.
    The AAS or Load Chart MaxCPU or MaxEngine line is updated immediately to reflect the change. 

The Load Chart is designed as a high level entry point to profile session results. Subsequently, you can use the Top Activity and Profiling Details views to examine more detailed information on waiting and executing sessions over the length of the session. Alternatively, you can select one or more bars on the graph to populate the Top Activity section (and subsequently, the Details View) with information on a specific subset of the graph.

The Load Chart displays the distribution of waiting and executing sessions over the length of a profiling session.

  • Time is displayed on the X axis. You can zoom in and zoom out on the graph via the icons in the upper right hand corner of the graph, once a profiling session is stopped.
  • The Y axis shows the average number of sessions waiting or executing. Each supported platform has a specific set of wait event times.
DBMSWait Event Category
IBM DB2Fetch, Cursor, Execution, Operation, Transaction, Connectivity, Lock, Other 

On CPU, System I/O, User I/O, Cluster, Application, Configuration, Commit, Other 

SQL Server

CPU, Lock, Memory, Buffer, I/O, Other 


CPU, Lock, Memory, I/O, Network, Other 

* A chart legend displays a color and code scheme for executing and waiting session categories, in the upper right-hand corner of the view. 

Analyze the Top Activity Section

The Top Activity Section is located in the middle section of the editor and displays where the load originates. Specifically, the top SQL statements, top events that the database spends time in, as well as the top activity sessions.

The Top Activity Section is composed of a series of tabs that provide detailed statistics on individual SQL statements and sessions that were waiting or executing over the length of a profiling session.

  • The top SQL tab provides more detailed information than provided on the Overview tab, in terms of executing SQL statements and procedures. For more information, see Top SQL Tab.
  • The top ExecutionActivity (DB 2 Specific) tab provides details about the statements and procedures that ran. This is DB 2 specific. For more information, see Top Execution Activity Tab (DB2 Specific).
  • The top Events tab displays information about wait events profiled by the execution process. For more information, see Top Events Tab.
  • The top Sessions tab displays information about sessions profiled by the execution process. For more information, see Top Sessions Tab
  • The top Blockers tab (Oracle) displays information about blocking sessions. For more information, see Top Blockers Tab (Oracle Specific).
  • The top ObjectI/O tab (Oracle-Specific) tab does not appear in the Top Activity Section unless the data source being profiled is an Oracle platform. This tab displays information about the I/O profiled by the execution process. For more information, see Top Object I/O Tab (Oracle-Specific).
  • The top Procedures tab (Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase-specific) displays information about procedures observed during profiling. For more information, see Top Procedures Tab (Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase Specific).

When you select any item from the Top Activity tabs, details are displayed in the Profiling Details view. The tabs that appear in Profiling Details will be different depending on the database platform and whether you selected a statement, session, or an event. This is to accommodate the parameter specifics of the item you selected.


The Profile editor's SQL tab shows a representation of all SQL statements that are executing or waiting to execute over the length of the profiling session or within the currently selected graph bars.

The image below depicts results achieved for a Sybase database. The columns displayed on this tab differ depending on the database platform. 


Statements can be grouped by type by right-clicking the view and selecting Organize > By Type.

Statements are grouped when they differ only by their clause values. This enables the roll-up of SQL statements that only differ by a variable value. For example: select * from emp where empno=1; and select * from emp where empno=2. A '+' symbol appears beside rollup statements. You can click the symbol to expand and view the different statement predicates. 

Additionally, the SQL tab displays two other groupings of statements: 

OTHERIncludes all recognized statements other than INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE statements. 

Statements that are not recognized by the application. SQL Query Tuner has been improved to query the caching more often and more intelligently so that UNKNOWN appears less frequently in the Top SQL tab. The system queries the data source for SQL text in 15 second intervals. Unknown may still appear infrequently as the SQL text may have been removed by the database. 

All statements are displayed in a tree structure with the following statement components:

Statement ComponentDescription

The DML statement type (and FROM clause, as appropriate).


The WHERE clause.

RemainderAny statement component following the WHERE clause.

For example, all statements with common subjects are shown as a single entry with multiple children; one child for each unique predicate. Predicates are similarly broken down by remainders. 

Right-clicking the SQL tab and selecting Organize By lets you choose between Statement Type grouping and None. The None option disables grouping by statement. 


Statistics are provided for statements and statement components. The statistics let you evaluate costs and spot wait event problems not just at the level of entire SQL statements, but also at the level of statement components. For each subject, predicate or remainder entry, the following statistics are provided:

Columns displayed on the top SQL tab differ depending on the data source platform. 

StatisticShown for PlatformNotes

SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2

The number of active executions for the statement or statement component over the length of the profiling session or the selected graph bars. 

Avg. Elapsed (sec)Oracle, DB2

The average amount of time that elapsed while executing the statement during the profiling period. This column appears for only SQL Server, DB2 and Oracle data sources. 

DB Activity (%)

SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2

A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component. 

SQL IDOracle

The ID value of the SQL statement. This statistic only appears on Oracle data sources. 

Child NumberOracle

The child number in the database. This statistic only appears on Oracle data sources. 

Parsing User IDOracle

The ID of the user who parsed the statement. This statist only appears on Oracle data sources. 

Plan Hash ValueOracle

The execution value of the statement. This statistic only appears on Oracle data sources. 

Top Execution Activity Tab (DB2 Specific)

In addition to the statistics displayed on the Top SQL tab, DB2 platforms have an additional tab in the Profile Session editor named Execution Activity, which contains the following statistical rows: Rows Read, Rows Written, Fetch Count, Statement Sorts, Sort Time, and Sort Overflows.

Top Events Tab

The Top Events tab displays information about wait events on the resources involved in the profiling process. This display is used to tune at the application or database configuration level. For example, if the top events are locks, then application logic needs to be examined. If top events are related to database configuration, then database setup should be investigated.

The columns that display are data source-dependent. For example, the Wait Count and Avg. Per Wait (sec) columns display only for an Oracle data source.

Top Sessions Tab

The Sessions Tab provides information about individual sessions. This tab provides information about sessions that are very active or bottlenecked.

Top Blockers Tab (Oracle Specific)

The Blockers tab provides details on sessions holding blocking locks.

The following parameters are displayed on the Blockers tab:

User Name

The user name under which the session was run.


The name of the executable under which the session was run.


The SID value of the session.


The serial number of the machine from which the session executed.

Blocking (%)

A graphical representation of the percentage of total blocked sessions being blocked by a blocking session.


The machine name and network location of the machine from which the session executed.

Session Type

The type of session.

Client InfoThe name/type of the client from which the session initiated.

For more detailed information, see Viewing Details on the Blockers Tab (Oracle)

Top Object I/O Tab (Oracle Specific)

The Object I/O Tab is specific to the Oracle data source platform, and displays information about Oracle I/O loads on the profiled data source.

The following parameters are displayed on the I/O tab:

ObjectThe name of the data source object affecting the Oracle I/O.
TypeThe object type. For example, table, partition, or index.
DB Activity (%)Use the color chart on the right-hand side of the I/O tab to view the I/O load on the data source during the profiling session.
TablespaceThe name of the tablespace where the object resides.
File ID

The unique ID value of the file from where specified object resides. 

Top Procedures Tab (Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase Specific)

The Procedures tab is specific to Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase data source platforms. It displays information about Procedure loads on the profiled data source.

The following parameters are displayed on the Procedures tab:

Procedure Name

The name of the procedure affecting the database performance.

Database Name (SQL Server, Sybase only)

The name of the database where the procedure resides.

Oracle (Oracle only)

The owner of the schema in which the procedure resides.

Procedure ID

A unique ID created when the procedure is created.

Executions (SQL Server, Sybase only)The number of times the procedure was executed during the session.

Analyze Profiling Details

The Profiling Details view displays detailed information on any item selected in the Top Section View, such as an SQL statement, an Event, a Session or a Procedure.

Depending on the data source platform you have specified, the tabs that appear in the view will be different, in order to accommodate the parameter specifics of the statement you have selected.

Depending on the top activity selected and the profiled platform types, some tabs may not be available.

Statement Selected

When a Statement is selected, the following Profile Detail tabs are available.

Tab NameDescriptionSupported Platform
OracleSybaseDB2SQL Server
SQL TextDisplays the full code of the selected SQL statement.YesYesYesYes
SQL DetailsProvides details on statement, like execution statistics.YesNoYesNo
EventsProvides database activity details about events the statement is associated with.YesYesYesYes
SessionsShows which sessions executed this statement.YesYesYesYes

Shows which sessions held blocking locks against the session associated with this statement.

Double-clicking an entry on this tab opens that session in the Top Blockers tab, letting you find more information on the blocking session. For details, see Top Blockers Tab (Oracle Specific).

Children Details

Lists all copies of the cursor or SQL query, if Oracle has cached multiple copies of the same statement.

Object I/OIf the SQL query has done physical I/O, then these are the objects, such as tables, and indexes that were read to satisfy the query. Temporary objects with not have values in Object and Type columns.YesNoNoNo
ProceduresShows which procedures contain the selected statement.NoYesNoYes
Bind Variable Details

Shows bind variable information for SQL captured during the Profiling session.


Event Selected 

When an Event is selected, the following Profile Detail tabs are available.

Tab NameDescriptionSupported Platform
OracleSybaseDB2SQL Server
SQLShows which SQL statements waited on this event.YesYesYesYes
SessionsProvides information about the sessions associated with the event. YesYesYesYes

Shows which sessions held blocking locks against the session associated with this event.

Double-clicking an entry on this tab opens that session in the Top Blockers tab, letting you find more information on the blocking session. For details, see Top Blockers Tab (Oracle Specific).


Shows which procedures contain the selected event.

Raw Data

Raw data that was sampled from the database, specifically the following:

  • Sample time
  • SID
  • Serial #
  • User name
  • Program
  • Sql ID
  • P1
  • P2
  • P3 

Displays for "buffer busy waits" and "cache buffer chains latch" waits. The analysis shows data and documentation to assist in solving these bottlenecks.


Session Selected

When a Session is selected, the following Profile Detail tabs are available.

Tab NameDescriptionSupported Platforms
OracleSybaseDB2SQL Server

Provides parameters regarding the session. For example, database server connection information, and data regarding the client tool and application.


Shows which sessions held blocking locks while this session was active.

double-clicking an entry on this tab opens that session in the Top Blockers tab, letting you find more information on the blocking session. For more details, see .




Provides identifier and V$SESSION session information on the sessions being locked by the blocking session. 

Provides parameters regarding the session. For example, database server connection information, and data regarding the client tool and application.

yesnonono yesnonono
SQLShows the SQL statements associated with the lockyesnonono
EventsShows which events the blocking session waited on.yesnonono

Procedure Selected
When a Procedure is selected, the following Profile Detail tabs are available.
Tab NameDescriptionSupported Platform
Oracle SybaseDB2 SQL Server
SQL TextShows the SQL text of the selected procedure.yesyes

SQLShows which SQL statements this procedure ran.yesyes

EventsShows which events the selected procedure waited on.yesyes
SessionsProvides parameters regarding the session. For example, database server connection information, and data regarding the client tool and application.

This section also addresses the following topics:
Viewing Details on the SQL Tab
Viewing Details on the Sessions Tab
Viewing Details on the Events Tab
Viewing Details on the Procedures Tab


In the Top Activity Session, selecting a statement entry on the SQL tab displays information in the Profiling Details view. The graph portion and details on the event category tabs on the new editor pertain only to the selected statement. Additionally, new tabs become available:
SQL Text tab: Shows the full code of the SQL statement. For more information, see SQL Text.
SQL Details tab: Displays execution details. This tab is only displayed for Oracle data sources. For more information, see SQL Details.
Events tab: Displays information about the events the selected statement is associated with.
For more information, see Events.
Sessions tab: Displays information about the sessions that the selected statement is associated with. This tab is displayed only for Oracle data sources. For more information, see Sessions.
Procedures tab: Displays information about the procedures that contain the selected statement. This tab is displayed only for SQL Server and Sybase data sources. For more information, see Procedures.

To select a SQL tab statement entry:
• On the SQL tab, click on a statement with no child nodes or on a leaf node in the statement structure.
The new profiling editor page opens, as reflected by the bread crumb trail at the top left of the editor. You can continue to drill down into the statement, as needed.

SQL Text

The SQL Text tab displays the full code of the SQL statement.

SQL Details

The SQL Details tab provides information and the execution of the statement and other information related to how it is running. It is only applicable to Oracle data sources:

SQL Details include:
SQL Identification ValuesThe SQL ID value of the statement.
Optimizer and Outline ValuesOptimizer-specific values pertaining to the parsing user ID value and outline SID.
Parsing StatisticsInformation regarding memory, loads, and invalidation values.
Execution StatisticsThe execution statistics of the statement. This category includes disk reads, buffer gets, rows, and values that represent CPU and elapsed time.


The Events tab provides details about the events that the statement is associated with.


The Sessions tab provides information about any sessions the statement is associated with:

Session details include information on different parameters, depending on the platform. For example, on Oracle platforms, the following parameters are displayed: User Name, Program, SID, Serial #, Activity (%), Network Machine Name, and Session Type.


The Procedures tab provides information about any procedures containing the selected statement.

The following parameters are displayed on the Procedures tab:
Value Description
Procedure NameThe name of the procedure that contains the selected statement. Database NameThe name of the database where the procedure resides.
Procedure IDThe unique ID value of the file where the specified procedure resides. ExecutionsThe number of times the procedure was executed.
DB Activity (%)Use the color chart on the right-hand side of the Procedures tab to view the procedures load on the data source during the profiling session.


In the Top Activities Section, selecting a statement entry on the Sessions tab displays information in the Profiling Details view. The graph portion and details on the event category tabs on the new editor pertain only to the selected statement. Additionally, new tabs become available.
Selecting an event type entry on an event category tab opens a new profiling editor page. The graph portion and details on the Sessions tab and event category tabs on the new editor page pertain only to the selected wait event and to SQL statements that waited in that event.
Session Details tab: Shows system details about the selected session. For more information, see Session Details.
SQL tab: Displays information about the SQL files that the selected session is associated with. This tab only appears on Oracle platforms. For more information, see SQL.
Events tab: Displays the time and parameter information about the selected session. For more information, see Events.
Procedures tab: Displays the details of any procedures run in the selected session. For SQL Server and Sybase data sources only. For more information, see Procedures.
Session Details
The Session tab provides further information about the selected session. The following are examples of the session details provided for different platforms.
NOTE: The fields that display vary depending on the database platform.

Oracle Profiling Details

Microsoft SQL Server

The SQL tab displays information about the statements associated with the session.

SQL statements are listed by the following parameters:
Value Notes
StatementThe name of the statement.
ExecutionsThe number of times the statement was executed during the session. Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time
for the statement or statement component. SQL IDThe SQL ID value of the statement.
Child NumberThe child number in the database.
Parsing User IDThe ID of the user who parsed the statement. Plan Hash ValueThe execution value of the statement.

The Events tab provides details about the events that the session is associated with.

Events are listed by the following values:
Value Notes
Event NameThe name of the event.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.

For SQL Server and Sybase data sources only, the Procedures tab provides details about the procedures that the session is associated with

The following parameters are displayed on the Procedures tab:
Value Description
Procedure NameThe name of the procedure that ran during the selected session. Database NameThe name of the database where the procedure resides.
Procedure IDThe unique ID value of the file where the specified procedure resides. ExecutionsThe number of times the procedure was executed during the session.
DB Activity (%)Use the color chart on the right-hand side of the Procedures tab to view the procedures load on the data source during the profiling session.
Bind Variable Details
For Oracle data sources, profiling captures the bind variables and their attributes. Select an SQL statement in the Profiling Session and the details of the captured bind variables for that statement are displayed here.

The following parameters are displayed on the Bind Variable Details tab:
Value Description
SQL IDSQL identifier used by the data source.
Child Number A new child number is generated for the SQL ID of the query whenever the plan changes, for example the value of a bind variable is changed, and the query is executed again.
PositionThe position of the variable within the SQL text. For example, given the query, select * from T1 where C1 = :a and C2 = :b and C3 = :c and C4 = :d, the position of a is 1, b is 2, c is 3 and d is 4.
Variable NameThe name of the variable. Variable TypeThe data type of the variable. Variable ValueThe value of the variable.


In the Top Activities Section, selecting an entry on the Blocked Sessions tab displays information on sessions holding blocking locks in the Profiling Details view.
Blocked Sessions
The Blocked Sessions tab provides general information on blocked sessions and the details identifying the specific row locked.

This tab provides the following columns for each blocked session:



User Name

The user name under which the blocking session was run.


The SID value of the blocking session.


Object ID of the table containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#.


Identifier of the datafile containing the row specified in


Identifier of the block containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#.


The current row being locked.

Session Details
The Session Details tab provides information on the server connection, client, and application associated with the blocking session.

The SQL tab displays information about the statements associated with the blocking session.

SQL statements are listed by the following parameters:
Value Notes
StatementThe name of the statement.
ExecutionsThe number of times the statement was executed during the session. Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time
for the statement or statement component. SQL IDThe SQL ID value of the statement.
Child NumberThe child number in the database.

The Events tab provides details about the events that the blocking session is associated with.

Events are listed by the following values:
Value Notes
EventThe name of the event.
DB Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.


In the Top Activities Section, selecting a statement entry on the Event tab displays information in the Profiling Details view. The graph portion and details on the event category tabs on the new editor pertain only to the selected statement. Additionally, new tabs become available.
Selecting an event type entry on an event category tab opens a new profiling editor page. The graph portion and details on the Events tab and event category tabs on the new editor page pertain only to the selected wait event and to SQL statements that waited in that event.
SQL tab: Shows the statements involved in the selected event. For more information, see SQL.
Sessions tab: Displays information about the sessions that the selected event is associated with. For more information, see Sessions.
Procedures tab: Displays information about the procedures that ran during the selected event. For more information, see Procedures.

The SQL tab displays information about the SQL statements involved in the selected event.

Value Notes
StatementThe name of the statement.
SQL IDThe ID value of the SQL statement. Child NumberThe child number in the database.
Parsing User IDThe ID of the user who parsed the statement. Plan Hash ValueThe execution value of the statement.
CPUCumulative CPU time for the process. (measured in "ticks", an arbitrary unit of time)
Physical IOCumulative disk reads and writes for the process. (total count)

Value Notes
Memory UsageNumber of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process.
ExecutionsThe number of times the statement was executed.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.

The Sessions tab displays the sessions and related information regarding those that were associated with the selected event.

The following parameters are displayed on the Sessions tab:
Value Notes
User NameThe user name under which the session was run.
ProgramThe name of the executable under which the session was run. SIDThe SID value of the session.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the machine from which the session executed.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.
MachineThe machine name and network location of the machine from which the session executed.
Session TypeThe type of session.

The Procedures tab displays the procedures and related information regarding those that were associated with the selected event.

The following parameters are displayed on the Procedures tab:
Value Notes
Procedure NameThe name of the procedure that ran during the event. Database NameThe name of the database where the procedure resides. Procedure IDThe unique ID of the procedure.
ExecutionsThe number of times the procedure ran during the event.
DB Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the procedure.


In the Top Activities Section, selecting a procedure entry on the Procedure tab displays information in the Profiling Details view. The graph portion and details on the procedure category tabs on the new editor pertain only to the selected procedure. Additionally, new tabs become available.
Selecting a procedure type entry on a procedure category tab opens a new profiling editor page. The graph portion and details on the Procedure tab and procedure category tabs on the new editor page pertain only to the selected procedure and to SQL statements that waited in that procedure.
• The SQL Text tab shows the SQL of the procedure. For more information, see SQL Text.
• The SQL shows the statements involved in the procedure. For more information, see SQL.
• The Events displays the time and parameter information about the selected procedure. For more information, see Events.
• The Sessions displays information about the sessions that the selected procedure is associated with. For more information, see Sessions.

SQL Text
The SQL Text tab displays the full code of the procedure.

The SQL tab displays information about the SQL statements involved in the selected procedure.

The SQL tab displays the following parameters about the statement:
Value Notes
StatementThe name of the statement.
SQL IDThe ID value of the SQL statement. Child NumberThe child number in the database.
Parsing User IDThe ID of the user who parsed the statement. Plan Hash ValueThe execution value of the statement.
CPUCumulative CPU time for the process. (measured in "ticks", an arbitrary unit of time)
Physical IOCumulative disk reads and writes for the process. (total count)
Memory UsageNumber of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process.
ExecutionsThe number of times the statement was executed.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.

The Events tab provides details about the events that the session is associated with.

Events are listed by the following values:
Value Notes
Event NameThe name of the event.
ClassThe wait group the event in the selected procedure belongs to.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the event.

The Sessions tab displays the sessions and related information regarding those that were associated with the selected procedure.

The following parameters are displayed on the Sessions tab:
Value Notes
User NameThe user name under which the session was run.
ProgramThe name of the executable under which the session was run. SIDThe SID value of the session.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the machine from which the session executed.
Activity (%)A graphical representation of the distribution of execution and wait time for the statement or statement component.
MachineThe machine name and network location of the machine from which the session executed.
Session TypeThe type of session.
For the Oracle Platform, you can kill a session by right-clicking the entry on the Sessions tab and choosing Kill Session. You can start a trace on a session by right-clicking the entry on the Sessions tab and choosing Trace. For more information, see Killing an Oracle Session and Tracing an Oracle Session.

  • No labels