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When installing a Web application with multiple instances, running the psww_web_desc_modify command creates multiple EAR files, with each EAR file containing a different instanceId and i3root value, corresponding to the instances in the Web application.

To avoid creating multiple EAR files

  1. Run the web desc modifier without the -instanceId and -i3root parameters.
  2. Add the following parameters to the JVM command line:
    • -DPssInstanceID=<instance_ID>
    • -DPssI3Root=<precise_root>

Adding Precise for Web filter(s) to the Web server classpath

To monitor the application, the Precise for Web agent(s) jar(s) must be loaded. Consult with your Web Administrator on where the right location is to do so. Examples:

  • WebLogic 9.2: <bea-root>\weblogic91\samples\domains\medrec\startWebLogic.cmd
  • WebSphere 6.1 changes the server.xml file located for example in:
  • Tomcat 5.x & 6.x: <tomcat-dir> \bin\setclasspath.bat(sh) or click the Tomcat executable, and in the Apage Tomcat Properties dialog box, go to the Java tab. There you can see the Java classpath.

    You will also need to add the servlet-api.jar file manually to the classpath. It can be found at: e.g. <tomcat- dir>\common\lib\servlet-api.jar.


  • Sun One 6.x uses the management console to change the classpath or you can edit the <sun-one-install-dir>\<server-name>\config\server.xml file and follow the instruction in the action item.

Enabling statistics collection on WebSphere 6.1 - 6.x and 7.x

  1. Open WebSphere admin console (URL: ibm/console/
  2. In the Integrated Solutions Console, click the Monitoring and Tuning tab.
  3. From the drop-down menu, click Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).
  4. On the right pane, select the server upon which you want to enable statistics (for example, server1.)
  5. In the next screen, click the Runtime tab.
  6. On the Runtime tab, select one of the following options:
    • Basic
    • Extended
    • All
    • Custom

      If you select Custom, verify that the CommittedCount counter under Transaction Manager is enabled.

Adding the session cookie name of the monitored application

To verify that browser-side and server-side data is properly correlated, specify the name of the session cookie that is used by the application in the settings.xml file. Session cookie names can be JSESSIONID, _sn, SID, etc. Contact your application administrator to find the name of the cookie.

To add the session cookie name

  1. In Registry Path in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), type the following path, and then click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, search for the <filter-session-cookie> tag.
  3. Add the applicable cookie name between the tag, for example:
  4. Click Save.

The cookie session name for J2EE (JSESSIONID) is the default value for the <filter-session-cookie> tag.

Adding post-parameters collection for IIS6

To add post-parameters collection for IIS, see the following sections:

Inserting wildcard mapping for Precise post-parameters collection extension

By inserting wildcard application mapping, you can instruct IIS to allow ISAPI applications known as interceptors to intercept and examine every request before the requested page is sent to its mapped application. The effect is an application mapping that handles every file name extension.

You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to perform the following procedure or procedures. As a security best practice, log in to your computer by using an account that is not in the Administrators group, and then use the runas command to run IIS Manager as an administrator. At a command prompt, type run as /User:Administrative_AccountName"mmc systemroot\system32\inetserv\iis.msc".

To add a wildcard application mapping to a Web server or Web site

  1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites folder, expand the Default-Web-Site, right-click the virtual directory that you want to collect post parameters on, and then click Properties.
  2. Click Add Wildcard Script Map.
  3. In the Executable box, enter the full path or browse to the native handler (.dll or .exe file) that processes the request:
  4. In the Name box, enter a name for the handler mapping.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Yes to add the extension with an Allowed entry to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions list. Repeat this for each virtual directory in which you want to collect post parameters.

Add the Precise post-parameters collection extension to the trusted list

  1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Services Extensions, and then click Add a new Web service extension.
  2. Type "Precise post parameters" as the extension name.
  3. Click Add.
  4. In Path to file, type the path to the DLL:
  5. Click OK.
  6. Mark the Set extension status to Allowed check box.
  7. Click OK.

Updating the collect-post-parameters tag

To update the collect-post-parameters tag

  1. In Registry Path in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path, and then click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to true.
  3. Click Save.

Adding post-parameters collection for IIS7

To add post-parameters collection for IIS, see the following sections:

Inserting wildcard mapping for Precise post-parameters collection extension

By inserting wildcard application mapping, you can instruct IIS to allow ISAPI applications known as interceptors to intercept and examine every request before the requested page is sent to its mapped application. The effect is an application mapping that handles every file name extension.

You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to perform the following procedure or procedures. As a security best practice, log in to your computer by using an account that is not in the Administrators group, and then use the runas command to run IIS Manager as an administrator. At a command prompt, type run as /User:Administrative_AccountName"mmc systemroot\systemroot32\inetsrv\iis.msc"

It is highly recommended to install the Microsoft hotfix mentioned in KB 2505146 ( as this solves a Microsoft IIS7 issue. Should you not apply the hotfix and continue to perform the following steps, your application will stop working.

To add wildcard application mapping to a Web server or Web site

  • Go to the Precise_root directory and run the following script:
    products\www\install\psww_insert_isapi_handlers.bat <precise_root><instance_id><site_name> add-handler PreciseWebHandler <filter_path>
    where filter_path is the path to the instance bin folder concatenated with "IISFilter", without the _32.dll or _64.dll extension. For example: c:\precise\products\www\instances\2643\bin\IISFilter

For example: products\www\install\psww_insert_isapi_handlers.bat "E:\Precise Installation" 2442 Petshop add-handler PreciseWebHandler "E:\Precise Installation\products\www\instances\2442\bin\IISFilter"

Updating the collect-post-parameters tag

To update the collect-post-parameters tag

  1. In Registry Path in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path, and then click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to true.
  3. Click Save.

Adding post-parameters collection for all other supported Web servers

To add post-parameters collection for all other supported Web servers, see the following section:

This feature is not supported for Apache 1.3.

Updating the collect-post-parameters tag

To update the collect-post-parameters tag

  1. In Registry Path in the Registry Editor (AdminPoint > Settings > Registry Editor), enter the following path, and then click Go:
  2. In the Xml Editor tab, change the value of the <collect-post-parameters> tag to true.
  3. Click Save.

Removing post-parameters collection for IIS7

To remove wildcard application mapping from a Web server or Web site

  • Go to the Precise_root directory and run the following script:
    products\www\install\psww_insert_isapi_handlers.bat <precise_root><instance_id><site_name> remove_handler PreciseWebHandler <filter_path>
    where filter_path is the path to the instance bin folder concatenated with "IISFilter", without the _32.dll or _64.dll extension. For example: c:\precise\products\www\instances\2643\bin\IISFilter

For example: products\www\install\psww_insert_isapi_handlers.bat "E:\Precise Installation" 2442 Petshop remove-handler PreciseWebHandler "E:\Precise Installation\products\www\instances\2442\bin\IISFilter"

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